Spiderman could win against any Batman villain blow for blow with ease. I think he would probably struggle most with somebody like the Joker or Scarecrow who could maybe break him psychologically.

I think Batman would struggle with a lot of Spiderman’s villains. Someone like Rhino and Electro he could outwit but Doc Ock or Green Goblin he would probably need to prep for them.

The Grudge. Something about Kayako still freaks me out now.

It probably should but Japan is a nation of workaholics and there would be a big sales decrease and fan backlash if it moved from a weekly release schedule.

It could be the higher output voltage.

I’d stick with an older game personally. Sports games on older consoles don’t get the same additions that current gen versions get.

All done here, give me the detonator.

What are you talking about?

The detonator!

I thought you bring it.

You was supposed to bring it.

Yeah right!

*Shoots him

If you have a power bank, try charging your Switch with that. That’s how I’ve fixed dead batteries in the past.

Better than trusting him with your girl.

Phantasy Star 3 has one of the worst battle themes for sure.

Most people don’t care. They will buy Call of Duty no matter how bad it is because all of their friends are buying it.

It’s possible that the amount wasn’t for the entire team but for a stake in it. I couldn’t see an nfl team selling for under 200 million in 1990s. They probably made more than that in a year from tv broadcasts.

Smt 5. After the fight with there is a huge level curve and because of how open the area is it’s hard to know where you should go first.

Don’t even need the flair to tell which team you support.

At first I thought you were sabotaging your own team. You must really hate the Raiders.

The option would be nice but I don’t want my game library to be cluttered with games I have no interest in playing.

It teaches you the basics like the different passing types and when to use them as well as moves you can do while running with the ball.

It isn’t as good at teaching you what each of the different plays do or how to read a defence/ offence.

There are a few ways to go about it. You can pick a team whose uniform you like the most or maybe pick a team from the east coast since their game won’t be on as late for you. You can also pick a team who hasn’t had much success at winning the Super Bowl. Jacksonville play some games in London and Minnesota and Buffalo have come close to the Super Bowl many times and come up short.

Stick with the 13 if it does everything you want it to do. If the battery becomes an issue, get it replaced.