This is an interesting experiment that measured the deviation of randomness across the world. It showed that before major events that before and after there were major deviations. Hence, time is not linear.

Yep this exactly, I remember Kazaam coming out after and it was a copycat movie.

I remember it came out in the early to mid 90's and Kazaam came out a year or two after that.

It wasn't hit and run, I'm just not wasting energy to respond when all the facts are present. You previously said that if someone remembers the name wrong, check the book. That assumes MEs can be discredited simply by accepting the present version, hence you are saying people just have faulty memories. That's not MEs and is incorrect logic in general.

Except the fact that mass amounts of people have the same shared memories.

Why do so many people have such similar memories


Your logic disregards the entire ME phenomenon. Essentially you are just telling people they are wrong, which is not correct.

That was my original point, this article is all opinion. MEs are not though it's a fact that mass amounts of people experience the same ones.

Yes, and OP has not provided any good reasons.

All I'm saying is that one person can't come on here and say they solved MEs by inferring a bunch of stuff and claiming it's false memories. It needs a much deeper explanation.

You are inferring that ME is incorrect memories, which is not correct.

The proof is the synchronous mass memories.

Except that hundreds of thousands of people if not millions of people experience MEs, which is statistically significant.

The phenomenon is that hundreds of thousands if not millions of people experience the same MEs. That means that MEs have a statistical significance whereas one person trying to explain MEs based on their opinion is not.

Great so we agree, OP posted this article as an opinion and did not provide any facts to prove that MEs are false memories. The evidence in fact is that mass groups of people have the same memory.

Sure, people are wrong about a lot of stuff in general. That doesn't mean the post above proves anything about the ME phenomenon though it's just one person's opinion.

Yeah he mentioned he was at Netflix party and someone said something like "It's great to have all the comedians here, and Neal Brennan" or something like that.

It's not a hypothetical if you experienced it and know 100% that something changed.

The phenomenon is that mass amounts of people have the same memories. That is proof of the ME phenomenon.

You are one person making assumptions whereas there are hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions who have the same MEs. An assumption from one person isn't proof. On the contrary there is more proof through the shared memories of the ME.

You are assuming that these are false memories without any proof.

You can't simply deny ME's with hypotheticals. Not to mention, this is only a handful of the hundreds if not thousands of MEs.

I would say that Neal Brennan is probably the best underrated comic overall. His peers respect him, but he's also the butt of the joke sometimes (according to him) at parties. Watch his specials though, they are next level, hilarious, and awesome.

You assume they misremembered and that it's not a Mandela Effect, that's your mistake. As for two words, the difference between Fruit Loops and Froot Loops is only two letters. This could indeed be an ME.