He looks so nice. Is his hearing and sight still good?

My Rini doesn't hear well at all anymore. I wish I did more hand signals when she was younger.

That's so cute. How do u and she manage the blindness?

Rini is starting to lose her vision a little bit and a lot of her hearing is gone.

I worry about her just running into things and getting hurt.

I've been looking to for a guitar teacher for adults. I haven't found any. What do u think of ur teacher?

Mine is named Rini. I call her Rin sometimes.

For the life of I can't figure out how to attach a pic of her.

She is cream color.


So is ur shiba named Rin?

I played 3 different J45s at GC a couple weeks ago. I was very disappointed. I love the looks of this guitar. I have found that quality of sound is not as important live and when playing with other guitar players or instruments. Cutting thru the mix is more important.

I haven't decided but leaning towards the 3. For me, I wanted a stage guitar. So unplugged sound is not the most important, but like top 3.

I think the FSX5 would be great and I dig the made in Japan aspect but I have a hard time babying a guitar at band practice and going live.


My first experience w a golden was my roomies golden Sammy. I used to take her on walks, and this led me to get my own golden that i named Casey. She looked a lot like ur Sammy.

Rest in peace Sammy.

I know it hurts. It gets better.

The FSX lineup is damn sexy. I'm in a similar boat where there isn't one around to try out. In a band now so FGX boomy sound isn't what I need. I think the FSX would cut thru the other instruments better and I'm not even a fingerpicker.

Lemme know what u end choosing.

Suggestions. Can he take her for those long walks? Can he help bath her and brush her teeth? Can he be the one to feed her?

It's not unheard of for shibas to have only 1 person that is their person.

I hope it doesn't get worse.

She's precious. Im so happy 4 u.

Hope u have a fantastic birthday Pickle.

How slow does it get when you lose priority access?

Great name.

Great Beer.

Sardines packed in water in tin cans.

My Rini does this too. Sometimes she stops in the middle of an intersection. I have to give and pick her up. It's funny and also embarrassing.

Yup...in high school they do.

She'll get stronger from working out everyday. Then watch out.

Rookies don't get that call. She'll adapt.

Yamaha AC3R. Full scale concert body w a cutaway with pretty good electronics and great unplugged sound.