Definitely overcooked when you decided to boil them.. what's the point of doing that when you simmer them later? Just put some oil down and brown them and then throw in your veggies .. cook those up a bit and then throw in some beef stock.. put to low and cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes

I heard of a porno that started out like that! Funny thing, it was called "Lady and the Tramp" also.

He told the ref. Hey man you gotta save this guy from himself! Ok I guess I'll take his arm

Because the states stance on recreational marijuana. He's high af

Next time get your phone out and document the whole thing for internet updoots

Worst spot for you to be. Great way for you to break when being used

Very helpful but can't read.

Recent photos with different haircuts. Bullshit

God gave her eyebrows that are scared of each other. So far apart

Make that tongue into a cigar and the tattoo will be just fine

This lady said the quiet shit out loud and ruined it for everyone.

35 mil isn't QB money ya dingus

35 mil a year was QB money 6-7 years ago. QB money now is 45+ for the top half of the QBs in the league. Idk where you got 35 being QB money? Maybe you see the same dumb talking point constantly brought up and you don't have an opinion of your own?