I would suggest a coffee table to have the full pack

Let’s be honest, it’s the Yanks who cleared a safe path, the Poms just waited for them to come before attempting anything outside of their island after escaping from Dunkirk disaster. Once Soviets and Americans did the big work, there you had Churchill posing himself and the UK as a masterpiece of the victory, clinging to the US.

So if we’re going to talk about taking others’ credit, let’s be fair.

This joke makes no sense, look how the horse grabs the lighter

I know it’s not the point here but holy sh*t, is that shore beautiful

I believe this is something you end up seeing while knowing the person, discovering if the person lives alone, if he/she works, studies, how serious this person is about life/career. I wouldn’t evaluate that based on a bare salary, but rather as a whole, the salary being a secondary point.

EDIT: at least if you are looking for a serious relationship, that could become your soulmate. If you just look for a fun ephemeral relationship, that can be different.

No of course, in this case it’s how early the girl asked for his salary that surprises me

I guess the lasting matters. If the siren lasts 10 minutes you can start worrying

The thing that surprises me the most is that the relationship seems to be at a very early stage (maybe one or two dates?) and yet she already perfectly knows his annual salary. Is it a common thing in the US (I assume it’s where OP lives) to mention your salary so easily in a dating context?

« all the other countries around it have large black identifying populations »

Which countries except Brazil? Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia or Chile have as few black population as Argentina.

"Nice job trying your deflect away your insult."

We're not in a trial. As another one pointed out, your comments look like rage bait, your oversimplified point of view does not make one want to make any serious response. But since you seem to be serious about it, I'll try my best to explain what I meant.

Multifaceted means that the relationship had many different aspects throughout History, it means that in some ways religion has been an obstacle to science, and in other ways it has fostered it, or at least eased its development.

It is multifaceted because religion itself is multifaceted. First, religion Is a faith on one hand, and an institution on the other. The faith, in turn, is highly open to interpretation. As I hope you know, Christianity is not just about believing in "an unprovable invisible loving deity that controls all things", it is, beyond all, a way of life, a philosophy, rules to follow, etc... and because of that, there are many branches of the religion, many "flavours" if you want... that brings us to the second point: the institution, not only it has many branches but several layers too, and this is specially true in Catholicism.

So, with all this multiplicity within religion, and even internal conflicts, you can figure how complex its relationship could have been with everything: politics, economy, society, diplomacy, and of course science.

Let's dive further into concrete details. During the Middle Ages, the epicenter of science and knowledge were monasteries, where monks dedicated their life (literally) to reading/copying books, and gathering knowledge. It's highly criticisable since they had full control on the knowledge, but one cannot ignore their work, that was real. Or do you believe Europe just stopped progressing during 1000 years? Almost all the scientists of that period were from a clerical institution.

Of course, the religious perspective was always tainting in a certain way the scientific progress, and even sometimes it became an obstacle. Many attempts have been made to blend religion and science, as instance scholasticism that tried to conciliate Greek philosophy and Christian theology.

But, as you know, in many cases religion has been a plain problem, one of the most famous examples being when astronomy seriously questioned key aspects of the religion with the development of the Heliocentric model, and the Church made everything to obstruct its spreading.

If you're interested in it, I highly recommend you to read about European History and the role of religion in Europe.

I hope I explained well what I meant by "multifaceted" and "complex" relationship. It means there are multiple faces in this relationship, that's why your response made me think you did not know what "multifaceted" meant, since your point was totally off the mark.

I wasn’t insulting, one tend to assume people we talk to in internet is the same age we are, and sometimes we don’t realize we may be talking to kids.

Based on what you say, I assumed you were not an adult. First because of the extreme caricature you made about religion, second because you don’t seem to know what “multifaceted” means.

And if I may add, third because of your binary perspective: “you relativize and not insult religion? you religious !”. I’m agnostic fyi.

To be fair the relationship between religion and science is way more complex and multifaceted than you seem to think.

What is Up Next? I see that name in many comments but no idea what this is

How does that not solve the issue? What kind of answers were you expecting then?

If I understand well it was just tabs titles right? In that case it’s hard to tell what was really the content.

As another comment said, “porn” can just mean high quality pictures of any topic. As instance I follow a sub called “City porn” that is about beautiful and high quality urban pictures from cities all around the world.

So maybe it’s just beautiful pictures of animals, like a safari or something. Moreover, I really don’t believe a website that has illegal content would be putting a so obvious name in the tab. I won’t go into technical details, but the name in the tab is one of the first pieces of data that appear about the website when scanning it, it’s static so it’s very straightforward to find. If I was making an illegal website I wouldn’t be shouting out its content in the title.

But of course this is all just speculation.

This is a tradition in Zelda series, there never is post game.

My first time was with Ocarina of Time, after credits I was back to just before the final battle. Thought it could be a bug, so I redid the boss and same… I had to bring myself to accept I would never get to explore a post-Ganon Hyrule.

Unity, the gameplay never gets old, the environment is so beautiful and the revolutionary atmosphere is amazing and it all feels so lively. I never get bored of running around and rediscovering all the details the devs added to the city.

This game in 2024 is way better than the day 1 version after all the patches, there’s no remaster needed, it’s still a great game 10 years later.

No he’s right actually. This area, Marunouchi, as well as Otemachi just next to it, have a very American urbanism style. When you’re walking there you feel like in Chicago/New York. It’s noticeably different to the rest of Tokyo, that is way more “typically japanese” if I may say.

That makes sense, that’s why this odd “I’m not into brother-sister stuff”.

Well, to be fair it happens also in Europe in some other manner.

I lived in Argentina many years as a student, and when my friends from Belgium/France saw pictures of me with argentine friends I was making there (all white) they were puzzled, and had comments like “they don’t look like latinos”, and I used to reply “what is a latino to you?”.

Turns out nobody knew what a latino was. It’s just “that people from there” that you see in US movies as immigrants or as drug dealers.

Hello, sorry to dig up this old post, but the description is exactly my situation, only 5 years later, so I thought it would be worth it to use this post.

I would like to know if OP (if he is still using Reddit) found a solution, or if anyone else has an idea, besides the HDMI EDID emulator (which I did not fully understood how it works even after doing some research).

Jokes aside, the result is not very successful, but the design concept is actually interesting. It could have done a nice retro looking car if well executed.