My ban from r/UmaMusume & their Discord + Beware of /r/UmaMusume's head mods linryn and nem (aka nemukute / nemupyoi). They will create lies to pin on you and will try to act innocent when they're being malicious.

Old post, for anyone thinking I am getting rid of my old post from being seen.


This is being retyped as it has been over a week and I have had time to gather myself and go over this in a better organized way and will include a majority of information regarding my situation with nem and linryn and my bans.

This does not fully include every single bit of information, but it includes all the relevant information that people should know about and does not omit me from any wrong doings, but is primarily written to give context about everything and to dispel their false accusations made against me.


Getting banned from r/UmaMusume
  • Why were you banned?

I was banned because I disobeyed a rule set by the moderators there of not being allowed to make more than 2 posts per week.

I had no problems with posting game news for over 3 years prior, where I made more than 2 posts, sometimes on average 4+ posts, but never had any posts deleted until about 3+ months ago where they decided to enforce a rule to only allow 1-2 posts per day, which I felt was specifically targeted at me (more on that later).

They would not give me any leeway in the ruling at all, despite any arguments I had given to them about it.

  • Why didn't you just follow the rule?

I disobeyed the rule primarily for the sole reason of that the subreddit was very inactive (<5 average posts a day, outside of official livestreams and news posts).

I have tried to argue this rule with the moderators over there for multiple months, with me getting frustrated at the mods each time that they are enforcing a rule on days where the official game puts out a lot of rules.

There is a lot of DMs from me that I have sent directly through their modmail and then me directly messaging said mods via Discord, which has had me in multiple occasions be upset at them because of my reasoning earlier of disobeying (news days being loaded and cannot be legitimately contained in 2 posts).

[Will not be posting any images of the DMs, it's just literally me bitching and crying about the rules]

This led me to being blocked by linryn, one of the head mods, since they did not want to discuss with me about the rule another time, as I had argued with them over the course of 3+ months about the ruling.

They told me to "touch grass and get a job" as their rebuttal before blocking me... which is like, really? I don't get why people think the best fastest witty response to get someone is "get a job" and "touch grass"...

  • So how did you end up getting banned?

I got banned because after being blocked, I sent this snarky modmail because I was frustrated at linryn's inability to be reasoned of making exceptions to the rules on game news days.


After sending this modmail I got banned, maybe rightly so, but they also, once again, told me to get a job and linked me to linked in.

(I have been employed by multiple entities over the course of my life, people can be an online gremlin and still have a real job too)


But due to this, I got furious at how this is how they are deciding to deal with the situation instead of doing any other options (mute my modmail for a month, give a final ultimatum of listening to their rules or be banned.)

Instead of receiving no warning, I was banned outright.

Due to this, I sent them multiple modmails throughout the whole day being furious at them and shit talking them as I was not happy with how this is how they wanted to deal with the situation.

After sending modmails the whole day, they finally decided to mute me from modmail for 28 days (the default maximum that can be set to a user).

Getting banned from the Discord server ran by nem and linryn
  • Okay, so what did you do to get yourself banned there too?

Furious of my ban, I went into the community ran Discord for Uma Musume, which, guess who, nem and linryn both are head mods and admins of, and decided to make my departure from the community by going out with a "bang", by posting the final message I sent to linryn and them blocking me and noting my ban from the subreddit.

I also noted in a message of by ban and how I was leaving the community due to them and thanked everyone for letting me be a part of it for the past 3.5 years into multiple channels and then leaving the Discord server (I do not have a screen cap of this as they immediately deleted all instances of me talking about nem and linryn almost immediately).

I was banned as a result of this.

What next?
  • What happened afterwards?

In a different Discord that is loosely connected to the main Uma Musume Discord, I vented my anger about the mods, in which one of the mods from the main Discord came in and tried to argue with me about my ban and eventually just revealed that they had no intentions of really arguing with me and wanted to gaslight me instead.

(This is the type of mods that they have over there)


Meanwhile, in the main Uma Musume Discord, nem explained to users that my departure from the discord with my departure message was "out of the blue" and sudden, despite them knowing about the whole situation.

I have loosely mentioned in the discord that this has been a thing that seemed to be directly targeted at me, over the past ~3 months.

They later tried to explain the whole situation and kept on trying to say that I wasn't specifically targeted by their rules.


They also accused me of using multiple accounts on Discord to send DMs to the mods, which I only ever used one to DM linryn after my initial discord block by them to call them out, but nem noted that I used 3 other accounts, which is false.

So you mentioned twice now that they made rules that seemed to target you specifically, care to explain?
  • Why do you think they targeted you specifically?

As mentioned previously, I had been able to post on the r/umamusme subreddit perfectly fine with 0 post removals by the mods over the past 3+ years, before I was suddenly told that I was not allowed to do more than 1-2 posts per day by linryn.

This was a while after where I was warned on the official discord that I was not allowed to repost the same news to relevant discord channels multiple times (i.e. post the news in the game general chat, then post it into the anime channel, when season 3 was going on), where this was also another instance where I had 0 warnings or notes by the mods that I shouldn't be doing this, for which I was doing so for over 2-3 years too.

These 2 instances made me think specifically that they were targeting me from posting too much, which overall made me upset that it seemed like they were trying to slowly push me out of the community.

Which, after being banned, linryn decided to make FOUR posts in the subreddit, disregarding her own rule!



So... was that it? No, there was an serious accusation against me as being "racist and homophobic"
  • Tried to pin me as another user!

After all of this had happened, my ban on both the subreddit and Discord, linryn decided to hop over to that other Discord I mentioned earlier and posted the logs of my DMs with them (again, a lot of me bitching about the rules and trying to argue against it)

(Yes, majority of this is correct. But please be reminded that I was pissed of at their decisions at the time and was just overall unhappy with how they decided to react, so I reacted in frustration.)


and then came at me with this, as noted in the above discord message from linryn

[Image] (link to the imgur album in the screenshot)

I was flabbergasted when looking at the imgur link, because they had decided to pick some random user who coincidentally has posted on the uma subreddit and happened to be racist and homophobic and pinned that on me as that account being mine.

Just... what?

They had no proof that this other account, nigakira, was associated with me and tried to accuse me as being said account.

The funny thing is it seemed like they pulled a user who happened to post in the uma subreddit AND post in r/4chan. Hilarious right?

So what they did was they thought the account nigakira was me and said I was being racist and homophobic without providing any proof or evidence.

I thought that only linryn had just made this shit up and posted in the discord, until I learned that nem had posted it on their personal twitter account.

I tried to dispute this fact in a twitter thread (

and nem decided to step in and explain their reasoning as to why they said nigakira was an alt of mine.




The problem with them trying to argue with me that nigakira was my account was that they (nem) does not know how Reddit mod tools and moderation works (who would have thought?)

Reddit's ban evasion filter doesn't log what previous ban you gave someone onto another user that you have 0 clue of who they could be other than they were previously banned before.

So for them to say that the account was labeled as "asshole" with the ban evasion filter, is false.

I tried to get nem multiple times to try to provide evidence and the final image above was the only "evidence' they were able to give me.

They tried to back out of the situation by saying they "had to go to work" and decided to stop responding.

Which by the way, they did not go to work, as they were still actively tweeting and reposting on twitter and I called them out on it in a DM, in which they blocked me immediately after and started to spread more misinformation right after.



I later disproved them about their "evidence" by making a post in r/modhelp, being very specific if, how nem explained it, is how mod bans work on alt accounts.

Which, of course, was not how it works.

The ban reasons that nem said that was labeled on my account and nigakira was set manually both times by nem (or linryn, idk who did it).

So they tried to falsely accuse me of being that other reddit account and falsely accused me of being racist and homophobic when that was not the case.

If they really wanted to be sure also, they could have reported the other account to reddit admins and if it was the case would have the accounts suspended, but outside of their "proof" of having mine and the nigakira account being labeled the same, they had nothing to back up their claims it was me.

Which, it wasn't me as they manually set the "asshole" ban reason themselves on both occasions.


Yes, I am done with nem and linryn unless they want to come and apologize to me. I have my twitter and discord open for them to apologize to me for making a serious and false accusation towards me.

They have spread a obvious lie to people saying that I am a racist and homophobic when they clearly decided to use a random scapegoat of a user to pin the blame on me.

Do I regret going off on the mods? Yes, yes I do.

Do I wish I didn't poke the bear too much and then get banned? Of course, I was a part of the community for over 3.5 years since the game launched and would gladly return eventually.

But with nem and linryn leading the community, lying and covering up things just to make themselves look innocent? No, I do not want to return to the community if they can't even back up their lies and tout them as truths.

nem and linryn leading the community is not the right direction.

If you are going to be the head admins/moderators for a community, then you should be truthful about anything you say and uphold your actions.

Making up a blatant and serious false accusation out of spite to get back me with no definitive proof and spreading it as truth is disgusting and they should definitely not be a community head if that is how they're going to lead and act.

I have read from others about their own personal dissatisfaction about nem specifically and it is quite upsetting to see other users being mistreated by them for entirely different reasons, but from the same person.

As for other users that I have interacted with and that have blocked me because they're "friends" with them, I would like to apologize that you're being mislead by the accusations made against me.

These posts are locked from anyone commenting because as shown in the long message from linryn, she says "I'm a coward", but it's to make sure people actually hear my side of the story instead of letting others or the accuser run away with making up lies or try to misdirect.
Left the /r/granblue_en subreddit due to harassment and the new moderators inactions to address it at all and brushed the problem under the rug by muting me and anyone who reported it for a month.

Mind you this is all from what I've experienced, there may be others who have experienced something similar like I did but either have already left the community or have tried to speak out in the past but got snuffed out by the moderators like I did.

This is not a call for a witch hunt or anything of the sort, this is my experience within the subreddit that led to me ultimately leaving it out of frustration of the inactions of the moderators and the constant harassment by different users, before and after I left the subreddit community.


"How did the situation start?"

The whole situation started with lolpanda91 where they started to harass me in multiple posts on the subreddit where they kept on egging me and harassing me about how I was making multiple posts for news on the subreddit.

This was about 6 months ago and because of them getting extremely annoying and literally only a couple of people even voicing a problem, I blocked them.

At the time there was a moderator who disagreed that it was considered spam and let the posts slide. It should be noted the subreddit is extremely low traffic and there are barely any posts outside of events and news days.


"What happened then?"

During the 6 months I had them blocked, the user had made multiple comments on posts I did or others made in regards to me that were negative in context, usually pointing out how I was taking up posts and how they were glad that someone else made it and not me.

Now why should that be a problem or anything? Well their posts were made to specifically target me and shit talk me, some old comments from them that I've seen have been deleted by them so some of them can't be found.

With other comments that did stay, when they would type specifically about me, other users who even spoke relatively good about me in any fashion would get a very negative reply back to them in which lolpanda would go in and just berate me.

Mind you, I still had them blocked during this.

A little over a month ago I had someone else blocked for similar comments like lolpanda91 but less aggressive(?) than them but were in a similar fashion.

That user was other-pay-9963 who, along with lolpanda91, kept on making the accusation that I had multiple people blocked within the subreddit, of which was only 3 users throughout my stay within the subreddit and 1 user who was accidentally blocked when I tried to argue with those 2. Which that user was promptly unblocked when one of the old moderators notified me.

The other user that was actually blocked too was dragonlte (that is an L not an i)

Who I blocked preemptively to not argue with them.

The problem was is that after these blocks, these users made statements within the subreddit saying that I had way more people blocked than just a couple of people and that they started to make up lies in regards to me, with false statements.

(Image below was my block list at the time of August 26, 2023, this was also sent to the only active mod at the time JustiniZHere on that same day)



"What happened before the new mods were instated with their moderation powers?"

Prior to the subreddit getting new moderators, I tried to get help with this situation from the old active moderator DJ-Cataclysm, in which they did help with removing some comments in regards to me but took no actions to the users themselves, stated that "things will resolve over time", so they were not keen on taking any real actions toward them.

Later on after they left the mod team, I messaged JustiniZHere (the only "active" mod at the time) in regards to a post about Granblue Fantasy Relink and how posts of the game shouldn't really be removed.

Which in turn they responded back to me somewhat agreeing and also noting that should be finding new moderators anyways for the subreddit.

In which they did, with this post.

I am specifically mentioning this post because of just a few reasons.

I DM'd Justin if I should even apply, clearly stating that I wasn't liked by some people within the community and they were indifferent in me applying or not so I did give it a go


I also made another DM within that same day when the mod applications went up asking if they could just tell other-pay to just give up on just downtalking me and spreading misinformation (mentioned before, saying I had a ton of people blocked, etc)


But this was not responded by Justin at all, at which I probably wasn't going to expect anything about it regardless.

Now clearly read the part of this message where I said that "hopefully no one has bad intentions" for when the mod applications post was made, this comes into play later, both for the new moderators and later on me, when I left the community.


So what was wrong with the post from them and the modding of the new people?

The problem was... there was zero and I mean ZERO vetting process done.

The users that essentially got picked were users who got upvoted the most and had some community presence one way or another... and they got modded within less than a day after he closed the application to look for new mods.

Now that's sorta fine if you look at it in the way that there was no other moderators and there weren't that many applicants, but with how fast everything went, there was probably bound to be some kind of problem.

But the actual problem is, how reliable are these users really as moderators? None of them had moderation experience and it clearly showed as I will mention on later.


"So what happened between you and the moderators?"

They most likely got tired of me sending modmails and then also requesting help with the harassment problem from lolpanda.

During the early days of them being added as a moderator, I had mostly reconciled with otherpay and had them as the first user of the 3 that I had blocked unblocked and I even noted and posted my conversation with them to the moderators to show what was going on, as I gave them updates on it, since I didn't want to bother with arguing with them specifically anymore.

Now I didn't do this with lolpanda because of their insistence of bringing me up specifically in their posts to target me, which was the whole reason I even had them blocked in the first place was harassment and insistent bickering about me.


"So what happened before you got muted?"

I sent modmails to the mods asking for help, desperately actually in regards to them for the harassment that another user, who also got muted by the mods, told me about was still happening.

The other user I'm talking about I spoke to in the past before and they tried to defend me but gave up because they were getting accused of being an alt of mine and also just because they were trying to defend me, it got them being attacked by them too.

These were the modmails I sent in regards to it, where I specifically pointed out the recent comments made by them and tried to get help as they were clearly breaking the subreddit rules #1 and 12 REPEATEDLY and nothing was being done to them.

I never received a response from the mods.


Below is another picture of a modmail I sent prior to being muted, where I told the mods that I unblocked the only 2 other users (I typo'd and typed blocked instead of unblocked), where I stated that lolpanda kept on making inexcusable accusations and false narratives that painted me in a bad light, where they repeatedly said I had more people blocked than I have shown, that they supposedly spoke to people I had blocked and more, while providing zero proof to back up their accusations, which they still haven't and will never at this point.

This led me to get muted in the subreddit.



"What happened post mute?"

I messaged each mod, asking why they were trying to swipe the problem under the rug?

I noted how they muted me and the other user who also complained to the moderators about them and their inactions against them for obvious rule breaking and harassment.

So I called them out on how they were doing nothing to help with the problem and I was beyond infuriated of how they did nothing.


Which this also led me to getting my DM to them reported to reddit's system as harassment and got me temporarily banned for 3 days.

Which is ridiculous.

Getting temp banned because I was reporting to the mods about ongoing harassment?


This was overturned when I sent an appeal yesterday, clearly the admins care more and read through my appeal to see how the ban wasn't needed.


"So what did you do when you left?"

I edited my post here:

Where I said I was leaving, showed that I got temp banned for the "harassment" report sent by the mods.

I gave apologize to a few specific users of recent that got the ire of lolpanda and stated I was never and will never come back to that specific subreddit ever again.


But I also at the time was infuriated still about all that happened and in the heat of the moment I deleted ALL link/text posts I have ever done in the subreddit.


I wasn't happy with the mods and their inaction against my harassment, so I decided if nothing would be done, then I will erase my posts made.

In hindsight it wasn't the greatest idea and probably got more people to hate me, but what's done is done.

But if you look at the response to my message saying I was leaving the subreddit, you can see 2 specific people's responses.

lolpanda, where they STILL decided to shit talk me, still say false information and still was not able to provide any proof to back up their accusations.

And dragonlte, where they just conveniently decided to come out of inactivity to respond and reply to lolpanda.

Why does this seem a bit weird and convenient? The only time they seem to post on that account is when lolpanda is also within the same post to shit talk.

And "oddly" they type exactly like lolpanda and ONLY has responded to lolpanda.



Feels like the Obama meme of giving an award to himself with how similar they type and only respond to each other. I have since re-blocked these 2 specific users, other-pay did not get blocked again.


"So what now?"

I already stated my intentions.

I will not be returning unless there is new moderators to replace the 3 that were added and by that I hope that there will be actual mods that actually enforce and answer problems for things like harassment and not ignore them.

You can see via their profiles that they've made zero attempts to address anything, they've made no statements, no replies or anything in regards to it and have brushed it under the rug.

Now mind you, I have basically no gripes with Justin other than them not responding about the new mods he got, but honestly he doesn't seem like he wanted to continue moderating anyways so I can't blame them for much past that, since the other 2 top mods there have moved on from the subreddit long ago.

As I've stated in my last post within the subreddit, I apologize to everyone who got ever caught in the crossfire and for those that tried to defend me and to those who had me blocked and unblocked later.

But until actual decent human beings become moderators, there is no point in coming back.

Keep in mind who's trying to create a false narrative and who's actually telling the truth here.
The facts are out there in the open and very obvious to see, don't be fooled by bad actors who are there to cause only harm and distrust.

Technically was available 3 days ago, but the official EN account tweeted about it today to let people know of it's existence. 

Wondering if they're doing this to prep for games in other languages or what, maybe they're finally starting to step it into high gear for more regions.


Just gotta say, shirts or w/e that go out far enough due to the bazongas, is good.

This has a very nice sounding OP and ED.

Curious to see how the episodes later one will be adapted, been slowly reading the manga (whenever it gets translated) and wonder how many scenes will actually be animated.

Wonder how far the season will go to though, can't seem to really see where it would end from the manga.


(Ignore for reddit search bar purposes)

Niðavellir Nidavellir Founding King


I forgot to check when the actual update was gonna happen and I went to sleep and woke up to it being already out.

Slowly worked on it today.


Also please ignore this for reddit search bar purposes

Nidavellir Niðavellir Founding King


I forgot to check when the actual update was gonna happen and I went to sleep and woke up to it being already out.

Slowly worked on it today.