Sometimes the wheel doesn’t need to be reinvented, and that’s okay.


If your goal is to learn, the best thing you can do is analyze and rewrite someone else’s code. Go line by line, what does this do, why is it done this way, can I think of any other ways to do this.

Ask questions, rewrite, don’t feel ashamed.

I think 1, but I would have the head fade in from black a few frames later than you have.

Garcia sacrificed at the altar of heat transfer. Great work by the lad, allowed MJF to get color on him the hard way.

Saturated doesn’t mean saturated by good games. There is just a deluge of available entertainment to spend money on, most of it is trash.

None of that means good content can’t or doesn’t stand out.

Practical guidance. Great response!

The word beef has a ~ over it. They don’t serve real meat. I wouldn’t go back to this establishmwnt

It’s every genre.

The whole market is saturated. The barrier of entry is so low that there are a tremendous amount of first time developers and big pocketed companies churning out derivatives.

Yes, don’t have them arrive at the same spot, have them stop within variable of where you want them to arrive.

Nothing happens. Vault number is’s been tested thoroughly.

1, the dithering is much more appropriate

Just the characters? No that’s embarrassing, but surely there is more to the pack than some b characters

Be he doesn’t do thousand yard stares like Roman, so it ain’t cinema!

Hard fucking /s

:nym: New York Mets

League caught up, that’s how it works. His job to make the next move.

No, you’re spot on.

But the official grooming of Newsom as the next in line should begin ASAP.

It was a monologue!

I wonder if she wrote it herself or who may have helped her. Top notch!

At birth the ‘certificate’ will list the parents. The child will also share a last name with one of them.

When I name both parents with the same last name, the child comes out with their last name.

The barrier of entry on these high level skills has gotten remarkably low and accessible.

It is never too early.

They thought nothing past that fun entrance, that’s for aure