Yeah 100mh sounded high for that gpu, 50 is probably the average

You’re here right before ASICS are released to the general public, I’d say it’s a great time to join

Anyone using Pangolin with success?ĦBAR

Just wondering if anyone is staking Pbar and thinks it is worth doing at this point in time. Thanks! If not, what other ways do you put your Hbar to work to make good gains?

Question about projects that use Hedera consensusHedera Token (HTS)

I'm wondering if the price of Hbar will increase when businesses decide to use Hedera's consensus service (HCS) or even the HTS? Or do they not need to buy Hbar to do so? Thanks!

New User

Thanks for the info! I’m just interested in all things LTC and saw that you were listed on their site. Sorry if this is unrelated, but what do you think will be the most effective way to scale LTC in the future?

I’d play Pokémon Let’s Go- you get the experience of the first games but with better graphics

New User

After doing more research I think it is legit- Loshan’s GitHub shows activity with this project. Interesting, I’ll take a closer look at it now.

New User

This would be a good NFT idea actually…

New User

I suppose! Or maybe Stohnhenge 🪨

Question for Litecoin OGs

So I’ve recently come across a coin called Stohn coin which has a very tiny market cap and claims that one of the core devs of Litecoin, Loshan, who helped implement MWEB, is a contributor with the project. I’m super bullish on LTC and thought this smaller project would be interesting as well since it kinda has ties to LTC. Anyone know if that is the case? I’ve seen lots of projects lie about certain well-known devs working with their teams. Thanks for the help 🙏

Alephium bridge - What happens next?

I'm just curious what projects the community would like to bridge to next, I've created a poll and have an other option as well. If you select other please let me know which coin you have in mind!

View Poll

Alephium Bridge
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< 30 days old

Be careful Trade Ogre will shutdown deposits and withdrawals without notice. Kaspa has been unavailable to withdrawal for months with zero response from the site

< 30 days old

It’s not really an issue. These larger exchanges ask for ridiculous fees in order to list which Ergo never has nor will agree to pay- momentum for exchange listings will come when Erg organically grows stronger and stronger, in my opinion, and only then will one of these larger players decide that they want a piece of the Ergo pie.

Only black olives

No, my bacon must be limp over my biscuit 🫣

4 unless you like to eat ash on the one hand or rubber on the other