The average American does NOT commit 3 felonies per day. That is a gross over exaggeration. Just because one guy made it as a claim does not mean it is actually true. I can't claim to know everyone, but it's hard to imagine that everyone, everyday is transporting controlled substances in unmarked containers and lying to federal agents. It would be difficult for an average American to commit 3 felonies.

What percent of independents and Republicans want Biden to drop out?

It's funny because elsewhere in this sub, Looting 3 is the top answer to "favorite sword enchantments".

My fortune pick is Gainz and the silk touch one is Copycat

Fortune shovel is Silver Spoon

Communication isn't your strong suit, friend.

Children have more bones than adults, so you'd have to weigh how many adults die with missing bones vs how many children die.

That doesn't even need to be a major update. They could work on that stuff any time they want.

Scrappy young infielder for the Gainesville Tan Stockings

I don't think I want to take lessons about respect from someone who is addicted to watching fat women urinate, but thanks anyways.

If your second cut is perpendicular to your first cut for some reason, maybe.

Me too. I brought my problem to the lead math department lady and was able to get my test fixed. She left everyone else's test alone.

A cut on the board takes 10 minutes. Cutting half of a board still takes 10 minutes.

"911 (UK equivalent), what's your emergency"

"Hey, we are in Surrey under your helicopter. The bad guys went that way"

"Cool, thanks. FYI, there's a field of children over there.. "

Pretty cute of Sturgeon to plaster a dogs face on their website asking people to adopt when the police force they employ is actively killing them.

A few citizens, no developers or councilors.

This is the second rabies post I've seen today, is there a Rabies movie coming out soon?

This makes me very uncomfortable. "Life in danger" is an excuse to use weapons in the United States. I don't like the thought of people pretending to be attacked and scared just for an excuse.