Yes. With the old system you only had to check the number beside your park. Now you have to try and find the zone number which could be a few hundred metres away. Seems like an unnecessary change.

You were a carnivore, as in you only ate meat?

Don’t forgot “completely and totally not imperialist - their neighbours 100% loved being under their rule!”

But in all the instances that it has been implemented, to date, is indeed authoritarian.

Because going vegan doesn’t equal “being healthy”.

….not to mention they also offered to supply impossible burgers - but that wasn’t right either.

You can do better than that. Repeating the same thing doesn’t help your argument.

Was it off topic? Sure. But the response turned it up a little excessively. Anyway I’ll leave it there and add it the list for future whinging.

……and props to the two legends cleaning up the harbour.

Nice chatting

How is this scummy? The $7 covers costs and people can grab what they need. Even if they only find 1 or two items - it’s still cheaper than a normal op-shop.

Don’t like the fee? Then there are the sallies etc which can be visited instead.

You would be surprised. It will be adding up.

It’s unnecessary. It’s ugly It costs us money when this city is counting penny’s

It was a question. Calm the fuck down.

That temporary fencing is still there?? What’s that costing us?

Nope. Just used to describe TikTok Tankies, like yourself, who like to romanticise authoritarian regimes who practice(d) the things you claim you are against. In short, people whose entire cognitive ability doesn’t go past “west bad, east good”

Worth a shot. Claimed CGA successfully on my old IMac when the harddrive and power supply unit went within 2/3 years respectively (seperate claims).

This article has comments from our elected representatives. It doesn’t install much confidence - certainly not in the Mayor (don’t worry, we’ll do some more talking!) or Pannett (there are no problems - you’re just racist).

This is an actual quote from one of the councillors. They are not interested in fixing anything. It’s fucking maddening.

“Our problems in the city are not because of poor lighting or homeless people, they’re because of booze culture, misogyny, homophobia, and racism,” she said”

What do you mean that council isn’t doing anything? They are building 6 raised crossings with lights along 1.6km of Thorndon Quay! Fantastic idea for a busy Bus route.

Salmon, that’s raised in Norway, processed & packaged in Germany and then shipped 18,000km to New Zealand is cheaper than the salmon that comes from farms less than 60km away from my house.

So you’re willing to see millions be put at risk of disease and starvation in order to support a extremist group (who actively persecute women, girls, LGBT and use Child soldiers) in their unachievable quest to “stop Israel” ?