Dubstep. One track was more symphonic than all the others I've heard (which I cannot recall the title of) and the combat music in Borderlands 2 is excellent listening during frenetic moments, yet I still describe the genre as sounding like a liquid fart.

Legally blind

Prior to 1986 it was considered medical fact that toddlers and infants below 16 months had not developed their pain receptors and so could undergo major or minor surgery without Anesthesia if the attending hospital (and/or surgeon) didn't feel it necessary. To further add to this, it was also considered that they would not remember the surgery either.

I had radiation therapy on both eyes at 8 months and the right eye was enucleated (removed) without Anesthesia. I do not remember the surgery, but I (according to my exes) will sometimes cry and weep iny.sleep saying things such as, "Why are you doing this to me?" I have no recollection of dreaming anything.

That what the social media, songs, movies, tv, books and tabloids try to have you bepieve: you do not need someone else to complete you. You are already whole

🐺 Boop the snoot.

Two of them, yes. If I had a cat Fursona it'd be a triple whammy win.

🐺 Boop the snoot.

Thanks for the suggestion! Will look them up on TIDAL today.

🐺 Boop the snoot.

More recently I've been getting into synthwave after discovering The Midnight, Starcadian and others. I blame this on Digby Vermouth's 'Supernova Dreamsicle'.y tastes are vast and varied from Loreena McKennitt and Alice In Chains to Sarah Brightman and VNV Nation.

Doom Metal is my true love rhough.*My Dying Bride 's album, The Angel And The Dark River, has me hooked immediately in 1996.

Biscotti. That pureed biscotti spread is tougher to resist than Nutella.

I do have a genetic discord (first gen cancer carrier - greater than 50% chance to pass it on) and have happily elected to have a vasectomy in 2018. I've never wanted to be a father and is not a responsibility I want (I will totally adopt a cat or dog though!). This decision is for myself and is not held toward others.

The Horus Rising for Warhammer 40k, including all the branching books, is well over 30 titles. Horus Rising isn't a bad series, but it can get pretty 'testostwrone-y (which is supposedtly a running joke).

Chris Philbrook's 'Adrian's Undead Diary' is over 12 books, not including the branching stories written by other authors. It does change narrators by book 12(?).

Discworld is 42 books and they're all pretty darn good.

'Metro 2033'. Rupert Degas narrates this in his gravely smoker's baritone and made me swim in the immersion. It was the first book to make me audibly gasp (owing to both the story and narrative quality). Absolutely loved this book and have been hooked since.

🐺 Boop the snoot.

More recently I've been really getting into synthwave (The Midnight has yet to disappoint me), but at the very top of my list is Doom Metal - specifically My Dying Bride.

Sometimes I'll listen to an audiobook while the tv is on and set to mute just so my brain has something to do besides listen. Mostly I'll listen while doing household chores (especially dishes and laundry) or whole taking a shower.

According to my nephew, we're all ancient and grew up with the dinosaurs, which had me chase him around the house roaring like a T-Rex and threatening to eat him up. So, I guess my answer is "never".


That's a real shame to hear but good to know. Thanks for the update!

Fittingly, to quote Spaceballs, "Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.*


Have they offered colour changes for the character creation and crafting UI? Because I never touched thosw for terrible cops y choices. I hope they've offered reverse contrast for all windows at least.

Tad William's Tailchaser's Song.

It's such a simple yet thoroughly enjoyable read.

Non-fiction: The Indifferent Stars Above.

Fantasy: Assassin's Quest.

Post-apocalyptic: Swan Song.


Frasier, Futurama, Becker, Everybody Loves Raymond, MASH, Samurai Pizza Cats, AstroBoy (original), The Mysterious Cities of Gold (original) and many others.

I care about them, but it's a case of "I'll see them when I see them." I wouldn't classify us as being close with one another.

The lack of intrusive sound and the smell of clean suburban air.

I'm not sure of the series availability and it has been over 20 years since I last read it (so it may be nostalgia speaking), but Brian Lumley's 'Necroscope' series might be what you're looking for (or it might not).