Honestly drifting apart isn't the problem for me. Drifting apart from a friend is sad but you move on, but when it's a hard cutoff.. How do you have multiple friends, multiple friend groups, do that to you and get over it to be able to make more friends in the future?

Sorry for ranting about my problems. It's wonderful that you are still close with your friend and I wish you both happiness.

Y'all got anymore of those friends that stick through thick and thin?


I did the Mackinac Island Governor's Scout Honor Guard 6 times through Boy Scouts, where we would stay on the island (in the barracks behind the fort) a week out of the summer and perform service projects and other duties suitable for teens. It was a wonderful experience I wouldn't trade.

Were those actions related to him acting in his capacity as president?

Would you consider that maybe, just maybe, Trump actually did something illegal and is being prosecuted for it thusly?

Transgenderism is gender dysphoria which is classified as a mental disorder

Correct! What's the treatment with the best outcomes for gender dysphoria?

If falconry can be a hobby and a good way to spend time, anything can be a hobby.

The word genocide is being used for its emotional weight, not its actual legal definition.

Here come all the floating pier experts Reddit apparently has.

I don't much care for the oversimplification of Gaza as all innocents and Israel as all baby-murdering Nazis myself, but I'm not sure this question is being asked in good faith.

It would be wrong to attribute all the deaths to wholly one side or wholly another. But both parties have a role in the current situation.

The 2 passports in virtually pristine condition belonging to hijackers in the cockpit of Flight 93, which A. did not crash into a building, and B. had its cockpit thrown free of the fireball that consumed the rest of the aircraft.

A tornado can impale grass shoots into trees but also pick up a person and deposit them somewhere else without harm. Weird things happen by sheer happenstance.


I can't tell if you're taking the piss now.

So, if you're pro-gun, you're advocating white supremacy. If you're anti-gun, you're.. Also advocating white supremacy.

"Why are you guilt-tripping me?"

Maybe you feel guilty because I'm honestly communicating the feelings that resulted from your treatment of me and you regret it, somewhere deep down?