In most states, prosecution closes, then defense closes, and prosecution gets rebuttal—so goes 2x. Seems pretty darn fair to defense in light of this.

Defense gets last word in exactly 0% of jurisdictions.

My favorite safety hack it to buy a pair of inexpensive inflatable yoga/balance balls, put in bow & stern cavities, and then pump them up to just the squishes-back-on-the toes stage. Bulkheads for under $20. That and a bilge pump to strap on top. The difference between a scary day and a funny story.

My kids are grown now, but the dogs don’t like me going out without them.

We are the ones dressed like Fremen of Dune.

It’s been a few years but Lance Armor at Santa Fe Mortgage.

I have this boat in tandem. For almost 20 years. Awesome when kids were small, now great with the dogs. A long lasting gem.

I’ve carried Narcan since I started a gig that had me travel around Northern NM. I have stocked it in every court where I serve. Has saved a few lives.

More water into your body, more flour into bread/cake. Add an extra egg for pro level.

If it’s those tiny black ants (sugar or grease ants) your best bet for managing it to bait them with boric acid mixed with a sugar thing (or a grease thing, like peanut butter). Elsewhere on Reddit you will find some threads on how to do a better job than an exterminator service for $7. It’s actually true. Buy a small bag of boric acid powder from Amazon and mix with water & sweets (try mint jelly but sugar will be fine). Resist the urge to make it too strong—you need them to come back for more several times to introduce it to the ant food system in the nest) and place in empty caps, cups etc in and around your home.

You will see them absolutely storm the bait (gross) for about 48 hours then disappear after about 72 hours.

May the force be with you.

You left out the best part-He puts on Terrell’s Sound World on public radio KSFR and wherever you get your pods.

He was on the Roundhouse and crime beats forever. A journalist’s journalist.

I love these guys. So metal.

She looks like she just got stung on the paw but with your description I’m pretty sure it’s a cramp in the paw. Feed her a banana a day & more water.

Once you are over 50 and your knees are screamers, you’ll understand.

Seriously tho, they are for stability, when you really can’t afford to fall down. Creates a full-body workout, also, while sparing those knees.

I’ve done the custom farm bag delivered from New Mexico harvest for years. Many great farmers and some fancy stuff. I just stopped the weekly delivery because my own garden has gotten to the point that I have too much.

Look into Ida Lopez, who as a young APD officer compiled a list of missing young women and worked with families long before the bodies were found. Her whole career she has worked this case. Starting at a time when the leadership of APD did not think missing young women with that “lifestyle” was worth investigating.

Also as you learn about the Toy Box Killer? The woman who escaped from Parker Ray (heroic, wearing little more than a dog collar), Cynthia Vigil, and blew that case wide open continues her heroism in ABQ by street organizing the women and circulating resources and lists of dangerous Johns. That case, too, had so many missing women, not taken seriously until Cynthia literally ninja-ed her way out of there.

Actually so many vulnerable young women went missing without APD leadership showing any actual leadership, for a decade it’s been rumored that it was an inside job, or at least an inside payoff/coverup.