winnie the pooh is the cutest show i’m glad it got a shout out here lol. I used to love it as a kid so its fun watching my kid enjoy it now!

I think most ABD’s in the US have a hand in choosing their spouse and most us still choose other desi’s.

28 | TTC#2 since 4/2023 | 1/2022 💙 8/2023 MMC

Oh interesting, i didn’t realize someone could ovulate too early! I bought my husband preconception vitamins too just to be safe (he hasn’t had a SA) and he never takes it. When i was reminding him to take it he felt stressed out and had performance issues so i stopped 🥲

Balance bike lol. He is close to learning regular too, but goes super fast on the balance one

This sub can be very doom and gloom about having kids. We had our first 2 years ago and it really is so much fun. Of course there are hard parts, but watching my kid learn to ride his bike, explore playgrounds, and pick out toys and books brings so much joy.

My in laws are kind of like this, i guess its a cultural thing (in India) but they stay up late and wake up late. They always say how we do everything so early, but we eat dinner at 6:30-7 and go to sleep at 9pm which doesn’t even seem early to me 😂

I mean if they saw my family out at a store they might think we look very happy with our one kid but in fact we are dealing with secondary infertility! You just never know. Although we do sometimes take our nephews out too and i strongly consider becoming OAD when i’m out with and responsible for 2+ kids 😅

Yeah i’m in my late 20’s married with a kid and my mom has my location lol. My husband’s mom has his. Its not a big deal for us 🤷🏽‍♀️

1LC, 1 MMC 8/2023, cycle 7

Good luck with the whole process! Its so hard watching the months go by with no pregnancy success. Keep us updated on your journey, hoping for a 2025 baby for you 💕

I would recommend reading the instruction manual that came with your strips and logging the results on the PreMom app. You can log your temps in the app as well instead of writing it down.

Using ovulation strips and taking basal body temps are the best ways to make sure you are timing sex properly + ovulating.

She’s one of the most annoying influencers out there. She exploits her kids like crazy too and constantly shows them in just diapers 🤦🏽‍♀️ and she acts like she’s so amazing because she has 3 kids. She’s from Ohio (i’m from a nearby state) and its so common for people to have 3 or more kids around here, its not like other areas of the US where people tend to stop at 1-2 yet she acts like she’s a superhero.

Her entire family helps her and you can tell she has a chip on her shoulder about being a SAHM which is why she runs this scam. Same thing with her SIL Drish. They both lucked out with amazing husbands and families tbh.

1LC, 1 MMC 8/2023, cycle 7

CD1 of cycle 7 🥲 if i conceive this cycle my due date will be around the same time as my mc’s due date. Last year in July i had my first OB appt for the loss pregnancy and this July i will be asking for help because its been a whole year of nothing. It feels like time moves both slowly and quickly when you’re ttc. The cycles tick by but somehow the idea of waiting another 20 days for my FW feels like forever.

her to do list (aka behind the scenes “work”) made my eye twitch 😂 does she really need to update us every time she buys new underwear?

Her tap to tidies always annoy me because this is basically an empty sink imo 😂

28 | TTC#2 since 4/2023 | 1/2022 💙 8/2023 MMC

I do just want to meet with the RE to see if either of us has any issues. I just have a feeling something must be wrong /:

28 | TTC#2 since 4/2023 | 1/2022 💙 8/2023 MMC

Hopefully AF comes today, i’m on CD36 and watching my temps steadily go down has been depressing. I’m glad i chose not to test this time it would have made me really sad.

ETA- well AF came, glad i didn’t have to deal with a BFN but still feel like crying. After this cycle i have an appt with my ob/gyn and will be asking for an RE referral. I really have lost faith in us conceiving naturally.

28 | TTC#2 since 4/2023 | 1/2022 💙 8/2023 MMC

I hope this is a short and easy journey for you!

13 dpo and havent even tested because i’m so over it 🥲

i wish i could be all teehee am i pregnant or not every month but after over a year of ttc it gets old 🥲

Same here! A lot of the couples on that pod remind me of posts i see in this sub. It feels like the woman is always carrying the mental load even when working FT and being the breadwinner and yet the man makes himself come off as the rational one who “saves” money and doesn’t go crazy at Target (meanwhile wife is just buying clothes and toys for her kids 🙄)