I think it needs to be in the menu prices then, have to be the same whether you walk up or order from the machine.

Wow, i’m jealous , i mine would nap that long so i could get stuff done haha. From what i read the last wake window should be the longest, so maybe try waking him if the second nap is going too long so you can time his last wake window to be a bit longer. Our LO’s last wake window is about 3 hours now. (But he’s no angel putting down for that last sleep either lol)

How often is he taking 2.5 hours naps during the day? Seems long. Maybe he’s not tired at the end of the day yet since he’s sleeping so much during the day.

Our 7 month old takes 3 naps, around 30-60 min each. Once in a blue moon he goes over an hour.

🟩 :moons: 0 / 0 🦠

People, like yourself, who only have $100 in crypto of course wouldnt consider this a massive sellout. But the adults in the room who have lost 50k-500k in the last couple days would.

Nice username, one day you’ll grow up i’m sure, squirt

Yawn. You guys are going to be VERY upset on election day.