Kinda bummed about Sepp. On Strava it shows that he did a 100 mile bike ride with like 10,000 feet of elevation gain a day ago.

Actually, you are TA because the definition of that word is basically someone so consumed with themselves they lack compassion or empathy for the circumstance of someone else. You’ve exemplified this with your version of the story.

I prefer to get a daisy award which will let me be professionally recognized rather than free food.

We need you! All hands on deck! Plus you can play the “I’m a new grad nurse” card for a while to ask any question in the world! You got this!

This probably isn’t the right thread (and I’ve had a beer and therefore a buzz), but rooting for pogi at this point is like rooting for the Yankees. It’s unacceptable to root for a clear favorite like this. Please cease and desist.

The most pathetic thing here is having, I’m assuming your kids, draw the “roast me” sign that you use on an Internet forum to make fun of yourself. They’re probably shaking their heads right now too, as we all collectively are.

These photos are such a fantastic reminder about how hard it is to be young. Yes, you’re an anti-advertisement for youth itself.

Nothing gets me hotter than knowing Jasper got last place.

Watching Pogacar descend in stage 4 was magical. He was like a bullet. He flew down faster than my GameStop shares after I bought in. He descended faster than my hopes for America after watching the presidential debate! This speed demon broke the sound barrier.

Work at the hospital long enough and I feel this sense of calm in a crisis comes no matter what, due to the daily task of dealing with constant anxiety and depression at work. Then a code or a rapid is almost a reprieve. It’s a reprieve from the bullshit.

He’s probably doing the whole “bathroom break” aka “escape from life/time to sit and stare at my phone” routine that my husband does. It’s literally the one thing he can’t quit. 😆. Is this a defect of the male species?

I’ve been in a similar situation with my husband and the catch 22 here is that men who treat their mothers well are amazing partners and great humans. Then you gotta deal with the resentment when you “step between them.” But if he really won’t be there for you right now with a very new infant, then on a basic instinctual level you need to find someone else to help you. Whatever that means, I’d activate my support system! You’re doing the right thing! You’ve got brass ovaries! His role as a father is more important than his role as a son. And like you reiterated, his mother doesn’t need him now. Not like you do.

The type of guy I would’ve gone on one date with in my 20’s for a free meal and then ghosted.

Half of the sprint finishes look like partially a game of luck- so I’d say he certainly has a chance and i hope it happens!!

This brings me near to tears. Your writing reminds me of W.H. Audens poem Funeral Blues. Here’s a segment:

He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one, Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun, Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood; For nothing now can ever come to any good.

This is a wash. Total lose lose lose situation. Probably time for you to become a monk, destroy your ego by whatever means possible, and raise someone else’s kid.

Classic. Absolutely outrageous. I don’t work in ICU but I think I have a sub-conscious self-soothing mindset that assumes on the higher acuity floors the pts will have less overwhelmed nurses, and more professionalism, that one day I’ll work with them and it will be better.

Suddenly I’m actually looking at RFK for my vote, because my new standard is just “someone who can talk about politics coherently.”

The airline is the ass. Being pregnant is kind of a borderline disability situation in my opinion, and it should be the airline who accommodates the pregnant woman, and their job to figure out that gray area.

Not the AH, she’s a real idiot, and I hope this is a lesson to her about not doing that type of thing ever again to anyone. My 2 year old is probably wiser.

I can’t sign into my schwab app so probably yes

It’s just called roulette at the casino.. Also if you wanna use the metaphor then you’re missing the fun part which is playing against billionaires.

Oh man own it! I’ve got Irish twins too and it’s not all bad! Plus it only gets better with time!