America has see snippets of Biden's cognitive issues for over a year. But to see them on display for a solid 90 minutes was stupefying for many who had refused to believe it could be true.

OTOH, those who support Trump believe law fare has been committed against him and don't care about the convictions believing them false. The rest is old history and Trump being Trump.

Many like to say it is the cult of Trump - it isn't. It is the person's POLICIES that are being voted for at the end of the day. If I have to choose open vs closed border, I'll chose closed. If I have to chose DEI or no DEI, I chose no DEI. Then I look to see who supports that and support them. It really is that simple.

Christian Conservative

The author is incorrect in their assessment at the end of the article. Kamala Harris and the President's cabinet could end the charade by invoking the 25th amendment. It would not matter what Jill and Hunter have to say about the matter.

However, I personally think that this was planned. Thus the early debate to show the world Biden's cognitive issues early on. Let the sharks spin around awhile and get people spun up. Then, at the last minute, bring someone else in who could not be properly vetted.

So many people will be glad to have ANYONE besides Biden or Trump that they will vote for them sight unseen not realizing that they are doing exactly what they have been setup to do. The majority of people are lemmings.

Christian Conservative

There is a saying in the military - "Shut up and color."

Having worked with Matt personally, I can attest that he was a hard and dedicated worker who is precisely the type of person Americans want working in the military. Willing to work long hours, a leader who looks after the needs of his troops, and a person with integrity. Someone like that is going to speak on up behalf of those below him and continue to do so. And it got him fired in this current political environment that is more interested in DEI than military readiness. The loss is ours as well as his.

Christian Conservative

And those of us on the right feel the same. No one in their right mind wants to have a literal violent civil war.

Christian Conservative

I am genuinely curious what Biden supporters think at this point. I made a prediction in another sub prior to the debate that Biden would drop out of the race late. Now that he has had such a disastrous performance in the debate, I am more confident that he will drop out. And for strategic reasons, I expect it to be late.

Even though the MSM did not, many members of the public were questioning Biden's cognitive capacities a year or more ago. Yet the DNC and his wife still pushed him to run for second term and the media did not really investigate his issues.

If the media had been more engaged, then perhaps the democrats could have had a real primary process. Now, there are very few options and none of them include the inputs of the people. Guess the DNC isn't really all about democracy when it comes to its own after all.

Real minimum wage is $0.00. And we all live with that currently.

Christian Conservative

The trend towards a much larger and grandiose federal government involved in almost every aspect of a citizen's life began under Woodrow Wilson. While both Republican and Democrat presidents have helped enlarge and create additional federal agencies, and both Democrat and Republican Congresses have been pigs at the trough feeding the beast, very few push back against enlarging the size of the federal government.

Entire agencies could be completely removed from existence and defunded and Americans would likely be better for it. As a nation, we are spending more than we have. At some point, the bill will come due. We must become more responsible in what we fund. Our debt service is much too high and will continue to grow.

Christian Conservative

If every person on the sub were to post an item of interest - political history, current events, etc. - we would have an average of almost 6 posts per day.

By diversifying the inputs, we would have an opportunity to obtain a wide variety of view points and likely learn new and different things about which we may never have thought of previously.

Happy 4th to each of you and may your day be blessed.

Would be nice if Outposts had the ability to view all created items in a list to then be able to delete them if desired. It is really hard to go around and find the older versions of the turrets and robots when you want to upgrade them. And I could swear that one of my outposts that I did delete the turrets but it still says that they are there although I can't find them anywhere.

Christian Conservative

Just don't let Hillary or any of her friends come visit.

Christian Conservative

"That's 90 minute stage. Look at what I've done in 3.5 years."

Yep - they are both pretty much a shit show buddy.

Christian Conservative

Go back and look at the X (Twitter post) from Biden demanding the debate. It is hilarious. "Make my day, pal." LOL

Christian Conservative

Happy Birthday United States of America! So just why do we celebrate July 4th as America's birthday?

We celebrate our nations birthday on July 4th each year happily having BBQs, shooting or watching fireworks, going to the lake or beach, spending time with family, and generally trying to enjoy all of the good things the FREEDOM in our country provides. But few ever take the time to think about what the day itself represents.

Was July 4th the day our founding fathers declared independence from England? Nope. The Continental Congress declared independence on July 2, 1776.

It wasn't when Thomas Jefferson wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence in June 1776. The Continental Congress signed it on August 2, 1776. And it was delivered to Great Britain in November 1776.

So what did happen on July 4th? Well, the technical writers and drafts and edits were finally complete from the copy received on July 2nd. So July 4th was the date of the final copy when the Declaration of Independence was finalized.

But wait, we celebrate Constitution Day on September 17 each year which is the actual day in which that document was signed. So why don't we celebrate August 2nd?

The first couple of decades after gaining independence, no one really celebrated independence day at all. But in an interesting twist of fate, both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on July 4, 1826. Many people thereafter began celebrating that day as as copies of the Declaration of Independence was distributed with July 4, 1776 on it.

Partially as an effort to help reunite a fractured country, Congress pass legislation in 1870 declaring several national holidays including Independence Day on July 4th. Additional declarations by Congress would follow in the following century in 1939 and 1941.

So whether you are spending time with family, enjoying time alone, having to work in the service industry or in a support function (thank you by the way), take a moment to think about the bravery of those men and women who took a stand against tyranny and declared independence for a new nation. That nation is the United States of America. May we seek to make it a more perfect union in all that we do.

How will you be celebrating this year? Hot dogs, burgers, or just another meal? Do you ever take the opportunity to discuss these type of trivia with your friends and family?

Christian Conservative

Promises that they NEVER keep.

She stated, "Is this an episode or this a condition?" That was not her tune prior to the debate when Republicans were calling Biden out for his "moments", yet the White House was calling them "deep fakes".

Anyone who is fully behind the president is not going to call into question his cognitive abilities.

Hey, we want Biden to stay on the ticket. He is a total basket case as we have been saying for some time and was shown at the debate.

Look at how many in the democrat camp are now coming out saying - Golly gee, we just didn't know - and want to replace him. Even Pelosi is joining that bandwagon.

Force humans to take an experimental drug else lose their livelihood.

Christian Conservative

The problem is that if the bribe is given for something that is an official act, then that official act can NOT be used or included in any court proceedings. Thus, you can not explain to the jury what the bribe was for or how it is relevant. Any of the supporting documentation is unavailable.

For instance, suppose a President were to take a bribe from a country like Ukraine and in return send them lots and lots of military support and arms. You could never prosecute. Heck, we had a VP who is now P that did that and we still can't do anything about it. smh

Christian Conservative

Authoritarian is defined by Merriam-Webster as blind submission to authority or favoring a concentration of power in a leader not constitutionally responsible to the people. We can examine both definitions in how the Biden administration has been authoritarian.

During COVID, the Biden administration coerced and forced an experimental drug into the bodies of millions of Americans on threat of them losing their livelihood with the federal government. While some few were granted religious reprieve, military members faced a very difficult and horrendous ordeal and most were forced out of the military over their religious objections. That is Nuremberg-level authoritarianism. President Biden is lucky that the Supreme Court ruled as it did with this ruling. Dr. Fauci may not be so lucky. In any case, Biden's desire for American's to have "blind submission to authority" and follow his administration's edicts without regards for their own health, what they were putting into their bodies, or acquiescence without undue influence was demonstrated quite well in that episode.

In the past, the United States normally is the light on the hill for fair and open elections. If political opponents are prosecuted or hounded by the political machine, the US speaks up on their behalf. However, when it comes to Trump, the Biden administration and the left have not only been quiet about how it is political and election interference, they have been full throated behind the attempts to keep him off of ballots, prosecute him in various courts, and use any means possible to stop his ability to be on the ballot to allow him to be a candidate for the people of the US to choose as their president. By limiting his ability to be on the ballot and persecuting via law fare, Biden has attempted to become an illegitimate president which would make him not constitutionally responsible to the people.

Thus, in these two example, Biden meets both definitions of an authoritarian directly and succinctly. There are many more example to be had, but these suffice.