Both comments are true.. but tbh neither is particularly "clever"

With a roundabout.. but I know americans hate those.. so its most likely never gonna happen

She mad because he is build well and tall which is exactly what all them superficial biches want.

If he makes 6 figures hes the perfect man for every woman in existence

And because theres not that many of those guys on the planet, all those biches think they deserve him more than his actual wife.. so they insult the wife..

They are jealous asfk..

Just because they are doing it.. doesnt mean its perfectly safe and the cheapest energy..

France has a huge problem because they constantly need to shut down their powerplants to do repairs because the amount of cracks is constantly increasing..

The government is pumping so much money into it that you could fund ukraine 50 times over..

But for some reason thats perfectly okay to do with taxpayer money.. even tho you could have much more efficient energy and use the money for improving infrastructure..

Tell that to chernobyl.. last I heard russia lost dozens of troops there because they dug trenches into the soil and died of radiation poisoning..

I thought kinder chocolate is illegal in the US.. or is it JUST the eggs?

Thats.. a blep right?

Im still tryin to remember which is which..

Do you think his wife tells everyone that shes.. a mountain climber?

Suuuure you were gonna do that.. 😏🤥

Propably why all the youtube videos make fun of aldi cashiers specifically


Would anyone care if they just raised the prices by 20% without communicating it at all and payed their employees a living wage using the additional money?

Its kinds weird to me how americans are always up in arms if a store is transparently communicating that they are going to do this but if they just raise the prices without any communication.. everyone will continue not giving a fk..

I get the outrage of tips being automatically included and the tips being like 50%+ .. but this?

Kinda confuses the hell outta me why a communicated fee is any different from just raising the prices 20%

You can see both so you know about the fee beforehand dont you?

If this is something that is only communicated AFTER you've eaten there.. then I would understand the outrage.. but even in the US that would be illegal right?


Finally someone who knows what an actual unforgivable crime is..

Is that an elephant pajama hes wearing underneath?

You need something cooler.. like.. a pajama with the inquisitor seal all over

Cmon.. dont do nero this dirty.. it is proven that the entire thing about him burning rome to the ground was a propaganda piece by his political enemies who wanted to slander his name and his achievements to history..

Because of the wagons being chained together and money being used to unchain them. So theres an incentive to bring them back.

You also kinda train people to bring them back even in a time like covid after which theres still a lot of wagons not being locked.

People in germany are just used to bring them back at this point.

The german supermarket store aldi built their shops in the US the same as in germany which was a crazy culture shock for americans shopping there.

Especially because they had to pack their own bags, and because they had to use coins or chips to unchain the wagons and bring them back themselves because there were no dedicated employees to constantly collect them.

I dont know if they changed those things or if aldi even still exists in the US but it was always funny reading those posts and seeing how absolutely spoiled americans are.

Thats suspiciously nice of someone to be that kind to a random stranger 🧐

Now you will always have to worry if they have something going on..

You are welcome for this image in your head..

Well wouldnt even matter now if the tapes would be found.. as trump is now completely immune to prosecution thanks to the perfectly objective and totally not entirely corrupt supreme court..

And china cant even get the 4 legged ones to not trip themselves and fall over

Also anyone else who immediately had to think about at-st's watching this?

If they were as balanced as this little guy.. they would have obliterated the evoks..