Yo, my girl can weigh up to 120kg? My girl weigh the same as my bench PR for reps.

LMNT 3l a day. I'm stay hydrated. I got them electrolytes on deck.

Redditor for a month

Follow your gut, i highly suggest you reach out to friends or start looking around for another place to stay, if you say anything negative to her, she'll be "very shocked" and "she was starting to think of you as a daughter".

But, a not long after, she'll make up some excuse to either raise the rent, or just straight tell you to leave. 

This all depends if she thinks she can get more out of you, or if she thinks you're going to give her more "trouble".

You're on to her now, time to outplay her at her own game.

Redditor for a month

Yes, she really can. If you use her internet, she can see what is happening.

She has a spare set of keys, of course.

If shes asking about your work, it means she wants to know how much money you have, don't be surprised if she starts talking about extra fees for water and electricity.

In all she is trying to figure out how much you have, and how much extra she can charge you.

What is your favourite food, native to the region? What should evryone try when they visit your country?

They should have given them walking canes and made them joust. Like two samurai.

Optimum performance, if the ice cream is high in protein, it would be Optimum nutrition too.

Redditor for a month

I have no doubt she has gone through your stuff while you're not there. Its highly likely she has read any documents you might have stored in the room.

It is also highly likely she knows exactly which websites you visit while at home. Exactly as in down to how long and at what time.

Based on what you describe, her next steps will be trying to find out about your family, friends or professional connections.

I'm sure she's asked about those, but trust me, she has not stopped digging.

Lastly, make sure not to promise her your time, or let her set your routine in any form. She will attempt to dictate your time, don't let her.

Redditor for a month

Proof that skill does not mean a good salary. And you too can be a squeeking doorstop and earn 1 mil a year.

To sow discord among boys. There is no reason to be adverserial about things your momma gave you.

No you won't go tell an adult, keep telling an adult until someone listens.

Try harder by actually going to a teacher.

Capetonians get in their feelings about stupid shit, rather than solving real problems.

You should probably use video

The only way to do this is to create a web view app that loads your url. Think of it as a desktop app that calls home to your site.

Isto é doentio, como é que isto é permitido, e num local tão público. Não se pode explicar isto com a cultura, estes actos mostram o mal sem máscara.

Conhecerás o sabor do ferro, mas duvido que estejas por cá tempo suficiente para o apreciar.