:sfg: San Francisco Giants

so do the Giants. Two of the best .avg hitters in the game were injured on awkard slides this last week!!!

The Giants really are still and have been one superstar away from a top tier time for a long time. And finally after playing a team with the two guys we could've got, it answers the question many people on this sub had of "would adding Judge or Soto make this a playoff team?"

And I think at the point we are at I'd say yes - the Giants are just one superstar away from competing in the playoffs. Until then, we still have a NLDS ceiling.

We lost each of these games we could've won by a meatball to their two superstars.

Hicks to Judge, or Doval to Soto.

Turns out having superstars very much wins games.

okay blue gave us the call too.... on the other side...

Just one more year until ABS trials in the MLB... but yeah wouldn't it be great if they defined an "egregious call" and for every single one umps are fined like 50,000$ and it goes towards baseball charities that help new kids learn how to play the game and/or ump too.

Holy shit, fuck you blue. That pitch was 2inches further outside than the ball you called to Verdugo that resulted in +2 runs for the yanks.

can't call strikes well, can't call balls well - can't even fucking stay consistent in his shittyness. and that's all we ask for - consistency in the suckyness of umps.

Conforto Yaz and Ramos with Matos in for Yaz or Conforto as platoon.

3 ER in a start against the best team in baseball with one of the highest payrolls isn't good enough for you?

positive trajectory plot points in the future not good enough for you?

than just go away.

39 Estrada

our boys are doing so good, losers from the yankees subs are showing up here in droves to downvote and talk shit.

fucking keep it up!

somebody report this guy to the yankees sub for brigading.

Once humans figure out how to replace his leg with another person's leg.

At least by 2025 we will have ABS trials in the MLB... this might be the last year of this bullshit so at least we have that.

39 Estrada

Just telling you to not brigade other people's subs like a loser, you're breaking your own subs rules ya dingo.

Literally +2 runs on just that fucking missed call alone.

1 run through 4innings against the best team in baseball is quality.

And guess whose fault it is we lost the first game because we pitched to Judge?

Melvin. I have no idea why he thought we should pitch to the hottest HR hitter in games we can't make a mistake to win.

Can we just stop fucking pitching to Judge?

Like I get the honor in it, but now it's been two games - can we just not keep pitching to the hottest hitter in baseball right now and losing games because of it?

If anything, it would be great to IBB him and play the chicken dance song!

She's basically the head circus girl - she has her cool deep trick 3 pointer shots and that's all that's interesting.

To be fair, very interesting and cool, but she's a diminutive Steph Curry all in all. I do still enjoy watching her bank those 3's.