And let's face it, how good can you be if you fall over? Usain Bolt wouldn't win gold if he ate dirt. Ian Thorpe wouldn't win gold for getting tangled in the lane ropes. If you fall off your skates, suck it.

Melbourne was chock full of smoke. And not cultural, but the sun was so dim, it felt like my eyes were strained.

Then I flew back to Brisbane, and yep, couldn't see without sunglasses. Now I'm home.

If everything is deterministic, we simply have no way of knowing it all to predict how everything goes. So ironically, our best way forward in a deterministic universe is one in which we model our world as if free will does exist.

Some people live both city and rural and travel, and it's cheaper and easier to have one vehicle.

Based on a colleague's story, it's frowned upon to bring a revolver with you to work in Australia.

Instant coffee when I wake up. Make myself a proper flat white in the morning. Cup of tea later in the day.

Generally, the answer is tea and instant coffee, plus espresso. I've never seen anyone drink drip or percolated coffee in my life. (Not including some Vietnamese places or cold brew at the few cafes that do it.)

But I already have her at C6.

Oh well, guess I'll keep pullin'.

When I watched the latest season, I thought Morty was flawless, and Rick was a bit different bit very good.

I'm rewatching it, and I can't hear the differences anymore. Anyway, you can just chalk up any differences to character development, simple.

I also recommend MurderofBirds. I play the game because I love it and the world, and so does he.

A lot of people followed a similar path: getting popular on the bandwagon, realise you've gotten all you can out of it as a casual game, try to do other things but you got popular with the one thing, get frustrated and bored, content suffers because they clearly aren't enthused anymore, etc etc.

I won't name names, but I've stopped following many people I used to watch. They went from genuine excitement to just being frustrated, not paying attention, and falling back on tropes of just yelling at things. Not interested in whinging zoomers.

Difficult to disagree. I think AJFA is better, but MOP is just a perfect snapshot of a moment in metal history.

I've noticed over the decades that the internet has simply become consolidated and commodified. Sanitised and sold off as compartmentalised experiences. So much is governed by corporate whims.

I recently marked a university essay which unironically used 'unalived' multiple times because online discourse and advertiser-friendly rules has literally changed language in order to participate.

Outer Worlds. I was hyped because Obsidian. It wasn't on Steam at release so I didn't bother, and by the time it was I'd forgotten about it.

I never did care, but a jump-the-shark moment was when... Celebrity Survivor? Had a convicted drug smuggler as a 'celebrity' (Corby). Jesus christ.

I did it because I wanted to. Never gonna be employed in academia ever. I'm glad I did it.

Never seen one in Queensland except basement car parks in large multi-unit developments.

Traditional Queensland homes are likely to be on stilts with open ground with an open space at ground level beneath. Floods don't seem kind to underground floors.

Actual professional negligence to a pretty catastrophic degree for an architect. He also got off lightly in the circumstances of literally causing someone's home and all money spent on it to be lost. If anything Dori was very kind.

It might just be my perspective, but I don't remember there being any 'cool' kids. We had our friend groups, many of us flitted between different groups. Some avoided others. We all knew each other in the same year.

Stories aren't just irrelevant nonsense. They contain truths, morals, principles - what you take away from them is what matters. There's a reason the Epic of Gilgamesh follows the hero's journey despite being thousands and thousands of years old.

Yes. You're inconveniencing everyone except Woolworths and their profits. Complain to the ACCC if you have an issue with it.

What escalation? They started with all-out war against Ukraine and threatened nukes if anyone farted. They played the bully card and got hit back.

I was in an LGBT-friendly community (okay, 'friendly' is putting it lightly...) but I left a day or two after 7 October. It split right down the middle, one half of people hailing freedom fighters and decolonisation, the other half fucking aghast at the support being shown by people who would be raped and murdered by these same people they're cheering, and not necessarily in that order.