I’m with you on this one. It was pretty simple on v3. Best way I’ve found so far is to do an outro with some lyrics, but even then it’s prone to add an extra minute or more that gets increasingly tinny.

I see now you are a man of great intellect and superior taste. I can certainly verify your reviewing credentials.


I’ve tried it once and it worked pretty well. If I were going to do it again I’d get the song to start with a count in. Gives you valuable extra seconds to cut in.

Just a simple 1,2,3,4. And then if you like the song and singer that comes after, you can try all kinds. Clear the style box and whack in something totally new and normally, it’ll do it.

I remember watching a National Geographic show about just this and from what I can remember, it said whereas most nuclear plants would shut down and be fine, it’d be the spent rods that cause problems.

Once the power goes out, there’s nothing to keep the rods cool, which then heats up and boils the water around them, which results in a build up of pressure and finally, an explosion releasing radiation to the air.

No idea if it’s true but it sounds frightening. Think they also said the Hoover Dam would go on automated for years and it would only be mechanical failure that stopped it in the end.

I think it gets closer to what I want without me having to cut in every 10 seconds but the tinny fuzz is ruining everything at the minute.

I thought people were being overly dramatic at first but I can’t get a song past 1:30 without it becoming an unholy mess.

I was asked to join a band as the singer when I was 16/17. I started off terrible and never got much better. In about 2005 I didn't even know what Reddit was when someone showed me a post created by some Australian fella. He was absolutely tearing me apart, personally. Not the band, just me. I'm from England so no idea how he came across our demo but he'd even linked to his own website - long forgotten the URL now, sadly - in which he'd written about me in even more vitriolic terms. Think his name was Dev, or Dez. I mean, at least I moved him in some way, right?

But if you think I'm writing this to put you off, the opposite is true. After that demo, I got a little better and as we played more, we made a lot of friends with local bands and even had a few randos start turning up for all our gigs. We played decent songs and put on a lively performance, even if the singing was third-rate. The point is, there are kind people out there who will try to encourage and help you, it may be hard to find them but you've got to just go for it at some point. Prepare for the worst but don't take everything to heart as you seek to progress!

Perhaps you need to change your outlook a little? I'm hoping that in the future we can go back to older tracks and exert some control over all of the options and possibilities. Until then, I'm content to compromise every now and then. To me, Suno is more like being in a band - sometimes wild guitarists just can't be tamed.

To be fair, this response has resulted in me discovering some awesome stuff. The comparisons are always unjust, in that I pale compared to whoever they’re talking about but I take it as a compliment and try to see where they’re coming from.

Mate, comparing anything to Garth Brooks is a low blow. But seriously, think you need to broaden your horizons.

I honestly don’t think my prompt was ignored but I can see why you say that. I know that if I put spooky rock in on its own, there’d be a totally different result. But from what I’ve found - possibly imagined - each prompt will act as a modifier and bring in certain elements of what I’m asking for. Not 100% of the time, but this definitely followed more than just the singer prompt to my mind. Sounded more like a more mature artist like Paul Weller or something to my mind (the first one) but I was happy regardless. I think spooky lept it a bit moody and stopped too many Americanisations in the chord changes or whatever.

Anyway, I think the entitlement and elitism on here is tremendous, as a sidenote.

Because they are fine and Suno spat out something akin to what I was expecting.

You don’t always get everything you ask for from the prompts. The British singer is hit and miss depending on the style of music so I’m not too fussed if one doesn’t appear but through a lot of trial and error I’ve found those words combined will generally give me a song with the vibe I’m after.

Suno absolutely does know what avant-garde is though. It’s in their own documentation and if you combine it with something more like experimental, baroque or math rock it can go off the wall sometimes. It didn’t this time but I think it does help with less typical phrasing. Maybe.

On these 2 songs, I think the first one is using a vocal effect and is meant to be more of a style/studio choice than a bad generation. The second one is fine enough, but the point of all this was just to demonstrate that with a little bit of structure and one click it’s created 2 perfectly listenable songs. I’m not in love with them but considering there were no extensions required or tinkering, I stand by my point.

I’m gonna chime in here… just done my first 2 generations with some lyrics I wasn’t bothered about and as far as I can see the improvement is huge. It’s given me 2 complete songs with no dodgy vocalisations, or weird timings. Both perfectly fine songs as far as the prompts were concerned and well structured, and more importantly, complete. Normally I have to cut in every 10 seconds to try to shape something more to what I’m thinking.

I’m not after upvotes or anything for these songs and I’m not making them public on my profile but just in case anyone’s interested who can’t access it yet:



I don’t always do this but sometimes it leads to good results. I’ll make up some song titles and work backwards. Reverse engineer a chorus and then link verses to the theme.

What are your interests beyond music? Try writing about something you know. It doesn’t have to be deep, poignant or meaningful. You could literally describe a place. Or you could use an item as a metaphor.

You could also change the style and that might well force a different result.

Do upbeat but with a hint of cynicism or something sardonic. Something like “Life’s Great When You’re Stepping On Peasants”. That song title’s up for grabs if anyone wants it.

High praise indeed on this sub. Thanks!

It's important to just get something down sometimes. If you overthink it you'll stagnate. Just don't think of the lyrics as finalised. Do a rough recording and listen to it when you can, but definitely not on repeat, and you might find a better lyric crops up or some new theme/idea/melody.

It's perfectly natural to flip flop on your lyrics though. I'll think something I've written is genius and then when I sing it out loud or try to put it on a track I realise it's pretentious twaddle. Sometimes that twaddle can be refined into something less cringe-inducing though, which is why you've got to get things down in the first place!

Edgelord quotes?

I can't believe the lack of Tick quotes online considering the amazing one liners. I loved Edgelord (reminds me of some people I know) and I remember him saying something along the lines of "I dance between the raindrops."

Can anyone give me anything else he came out with? Suitably dark and gothy please...

Best way I find to do it is clear the style box when you’re cutting in/extending and then put in male singer and a few other descriptive words, maybe even some different genres. Seems to work for me most of the time.

It definitely can be done.

This was an accidental occurence: https://suno.com/song/97b007ff-ae0a-40ce-9112-b961565a4767

But I’ve also forced it on another song by cutting in and prompting a male singer.