TH12 :TH12: | BH8 :BH8:

From my experience you gotta set your phone to flip the screen automatically, and have your screen rotate as you turn the screen on. There's a chance the screen will rotate after the game checks the rotation (at least, that's how it worked for me, tho' it crashed when it loaded)

TH12 :TH12: | BH8 :BH8:

Once managed to activate it accidentally, the game crashed shortly after

:demon_extreme:x1 How To Platformer 100% (it was horrible)

Just write the ID in the feedback post and post it when you'll need it, no pressure

Until a vulture spawns...

I saw a video where someone was testing the limits of this mod in Shoreline as Gourmand. They kept eating food until Gourmand was basically 1/4th of the screen

Then a King Vulture spawned...

... and picked Gourmand up like it weighted nothing

Inv requires 12 to hybernate and cannot carry any food pips to the next cycle

:demon_extreme:x1 How To Platformer 100% (it was horrible)

82%-88% is basically blind. Make it a bit easier to prevent uncomprehensible deaths

Poll scavs are generally less aggressive, but normal scavs can spawn there, and these will, in fact, give a crap about you if you have bad reputation

What's your reputation? Keep in mind there's a limit to reputation gain per day, if this place ends up being too difficult, consider just giving them spears over a few cycles. Once you get to a roughly neutral reputation, to the point where they don't just kill you on sight, slowly go through while crouched. Scavengers are less likely to attack you at neutral reputation if you're crouched and not moving.

Just save in a nearby shelter and give them weapons for a few cycles

I can't really tell you exactly because I haven't ever done this jump, but if you're lacking horizontal momentum, you can try throwboosting, but if you're lacking vertical momentum, then this one will require a mushroom

:demon_extreme:x1 How To Platformer 100% (it was horrible)

Off topic, but this gameplay is phenomenal, I really want to play this

There's multiple others such clear design flaws. For example the reason we have to wipe is because the end of your digestive system is angled differently than other animals and it's tighter. Our teeth are completely devoided of healing, if they fall out, they're gone. Wisdom teeth are a gigantic design flaw. The reason our mouth is such a total trainwreck is because our mouth shrunk significantly when humans started to eat soft food but the jaw stayed the same. Our fingernails are absolutely worthless despite them existing as a weapon

Human's ingenuity is the only reason we haven't gone extinct yet...

You need to have four lines, the x-shaped karma level for them to let you pass

You do not have to be at full karma, there's a room that refills your karma near the room with the guardians, you just need to have the max karma unlocked first

I guess The Peak idea will be better then.

I suggest a name change, something in the lines of (adjective) + Peak

Rooms like OE_RUIN04 and OE_RUIN05 are very good candidates for an entrance. From there you have a fuckton of space to work around and barely any restrictions

Seven Red Suns has to be further away from Pebbles than Moon is for lore reasons. You could do it similarly to how Pilgrim's Ascent, Far Shore, Moss Fields and Chasing Wind mods were made by the same person, where you have to go through the entirety of the first three to get to Chasing Wind. Just make a biome in between. Considering that SRS had to give Spearmaster the ability to literally create infinite spears, this biome would be quite difficult, with terribly aggressive and rapid fauna

I think The Peak has potential, but it would have to be large. Outer Expanse is a MASSIVE biome

These two ideas also don't exclude each other

Apple does all it can to be anti-repair. Way too many people had a simple issue with their Iphone, took it to the official store, were told that the repair was going to cost basically as much as the whole phone, went to a private tech store and had it fixed quicker and for 1/4th the price

This situation is really common in the Apple ecosystem, Apple has even programmed warnings that disable certain features if the phone has had a part replaced by using special chips (though thankfully repair shops were quick to find out how easy it is to evade this system)

"Plecy" is uncountable, so you're just forced to use the plural form

Why the hell do you wear the same clothes for FIVE TO SIX DECADES

I haven't. Learn to read

7% bonus on a Pokémon that's already miles better than other fire types, this mere 7% ends up doing more than you think. This is the same reason why Precipice Blades and Origin Pulse are a priority.

Regarding the word "abysmal", it is one of the uses, it's just that not many people use it like this

2700 is your typical playthrough without focusing on passages and not going on a rampage, basically, a casual playthrough

Bottomless, unfathomable, uncomprehensible, unimaginable

Extremely high

Absolutely not. This would only ever be worth if:

1) Both megas released

2) EVERY SINGLE Mewtwo from mega raids would be dogsh*t

3) You have more than 5 good shadow Mewtwos

Otherwise avoid the purify button like a plague. Purified legendary hundos are nowhere near as much of a flex a 3* shadow legendaries are

  • Ripped shirt - don't rip your shirts
  • Ripped bed covers - this doesn't happen even nearly as often as it would have to for it to be an issue
  • Ripped socks - not only nobody is ever going to notice a hole in your sock unless you're wearing crocs, but you'll typically replace your socks more often than you'll develop holes in them
  • Missing buttons or zipper - excuse me, what the absolute f**k are you doing with your clothes? You should never have this issue.

Are you having some kind of anger issues you're releasing on your clothes? You're seriously misusing them if these problems are enough to get you to learn how to sew