Im saying i used metal, and epoxy. Epoxy first, It lasted like 5 years or so. Then i sanded down, and put metal over it. The metal allows a flat easily cleaned surface. The wood and epoxy do NOT like having acetone, and other paint thinners...or paint for that matter, spilled over it. Metal surface, 90 degree metal edges, makes for a very solid surface that can withstand anything you throw at it.

you can get years out of them, but remember, the drawer is weak as fuck. they cant hold a lot of weight because they are just stapled in. Reinforce that shit.
For the counter top, they are soft oak. I would put metal over yours, because its a much more uniform and resiliant surface. I eventually upgraded mine with epoxy (lasted a really long time, till it didnt), i stained it, and i beat the ever living hell out of mine. The wooden vice is worthless and WILL break. I added a backstop to mine that was pegboard. Kept it like that till a few years ago. Eventually, i replaced it with a full kitchen counter and cabinet setup i got from a friend of mine when he did a renovation. I also put my cabinet on rollers so i can move it around. it also gave it enough height where it wasnt so low when i work on things.
All in all, its not a bad cabinet. I have beat mine to hell, and its still in my garage, and its been nearly 20 years since i got it. If you get half the lifespan out of it, its well worth it.

Ha, harbor freight oak wood bench. i know because i have one. the drawers fell out of it, but mines also nearly 20, and its seen some abuse.
Also...i WISH i could organize like this. Too many tools to do this. Too many duplicates of those tools to do this. Too many specialized things to be able to do this.

i wouldnt think twice about it personally. I dont give a fuck what someones wearing, long as its not being put onto me. This really is a good idea, and i would immediately have thought they were allergy sufferers without the shirt.

Ford Maverick

the mav and the ranger are around the size of the late 90s early 00s f150. The modern f150 is the size of older f250s, and so on. They scaled up the size to meet (read as cheat) emissions restrictions.
I wish they would start making mini trucks again. loved those things. Perfect blend of "shit...i need a truck on the weekend, but want to be able to not spend a life savings getting to work because i work in an office building".

holy shit...and its 2wd, though im kind of curious now, how it does go anywhere, because i dont see the drop of the driveshaft.

its not necessarily the politics, for texas, its volume, and what all the cali people have done to the housing market. my house is 2300 sqft. i got it 15 years ago, give or take, and paid 100k for it. it needed work, but it was livable. over the last 4 years, my home "value" has skyrocketed to 400k, because people from cali come here and say "holy shit, i can get a 2k house for 500k... thats like 3 mill in cali...DONE! So the county thinks the houses have somehow gone up. There is also the overcrowding and sprawl thats happening in dfw, but i digress. being left or right is rarely the real reason. hell, i think the purplification of areas is good. making my home value go up though...bad.

no problem. im actually being schooled on these little bastards, and find them quite interesting now. You werent too far off, i didnt know they could handle boiling lava temps. its always interesting to actually hear from people that know real information about these things,

interesting. I always thought they were a life form of some sort. God damn, i need to read up on these interesting things.

all land is stolen from someone at one point or another, all the way back to when we swung around in trees. Should i remember the stolen land our monkey brethren fought for in the jungles? should i be mad that we were kicked out of a cave in france by some other tribe that thought it was a good cave? Should we be all be pissed off that human beings literally fucked an entire species of humanoids to nonexistence?

i was born in the united states, i took no part on the injustice the "native peoples" (hint, they werent native, they migrated from russia eons ago and stole the land from someone else), nor have i benefited from it other than having the virtue of being born in an area of the world thats not a complete shit hole.
Stop trying to be pissed off and perpetuate perceived injustices that nothing can or will be done about, and live your life by learning from the past. being pissed off by something my ancestors did 300 years ago is like being pissed off my grand father stole a candy bar as a kid. It provides nothing to any conversation and it does not move society forward in any way.

isnt the rainbow the colors of christianity? the rainbow was gods promise to never flood the earth again after noah?

interesting. i always thought of prions as kind of like brain worms. Chains of bacteria that live in the brain and mess people up. Didnt realize they were 1, so tiny, and 2, so resistant to heat. Ive also never looked into them past "this is something you dont want, so dont eat raw food".
Holy fuck this is interesting.

since it takes like 3500C to get rid of prions

I feel this is not correct, since that is 3x the melting temp of titanium. Did you add an extra 0 or are prions really fucking badass? I feel even 350 is kind of high, as thats the melting temp of lead.

A felony conviction means he technically cannot hold public office of any kind. A state felony means that the president of the usa cant pardon him, only a governor (unlikely in new york). I dont recall if a pardon means he admits to "yeah, i did i and am sorry", or if its "wash your hands of this" kind of thing.
As for will it help him, thats really left to be seen. I predict a few important people will distance themselves from him. Its unlikely he will see jail time, because hes rich. What comes next is an unknown. It will likely be appealed because they dont agree with the conviction, and they will try and say the jurors were bias, and the 2 lawyers on the trial acted improperly, and try and appeal to the supreme court.
As for common a conviction being overturned, it happens all the time, but you gotta have your shit in order, or find a glaring obvious miscarriage of justice on something this high profile. we wont be hearing the end of this for a long, long time. I predict a supreme court case on that a felon can be on the ballot.
for reference, If this were you being on trial, you would be convicted, remanded, and spend the night in rikers island. your lawyer would appeal, but it likely wouldnt go anywhere. You would have to stop any campaigns for any offices you are trying to go into.

Former president of the united states of america and convicted felon Donnie trump. Should we make him a challenge coin to show his accomplishment?

its safe to drive...all the way to the tire store or the point where it blows out (whichever comes first). After that though, probably not.

to anyone wondering why this is bad, modern screens dont like being transported flat. The screens dont have support, and if you hit a bump just right, it can crack the led panel pretty easily. All of the support is intended to be vertical. You also should never transport a refrigerator laying on its back, as the oil and liquid will migrate through the system and get in the coils and past the expansion valves and cause the compressor to fail.

Most of the people I see in pubs these days have grandchildren.

this is honestly what im imagine is in the pubs. old guys drinking with people they have known their whole life. never been to the uk, dont drink in bars or pubs, so my frame of reference is based on tv and such.

honestly, with all the shit going on, this would be the least shocking thing to find out its real.

right, but you are arguing letter with someone that is arguing spirit, and its not a fair argument by any means. If I paid a million in taxes, but thats only 1% of my income, that is not NEARLY as impactful as someone that paid 1000 that is 30% of their income. shit, if i had enough money to be able to pay a million in taxes, i would be more than happy to do so. But thats because ive done without, and i know that there is this thing in life called "enough". Far too many people forget that "enough" exists, and you shouldnt want to keep acquiring "more". Everyone that isnt rich, and i mean billionare rich, should be mad at how little they pay compared to you, because the rich are cheating you and you are supporting their bullshit lifestyle.

i thought they all shared the same powertrain, with the exception of the vr4, which is awd, along with the talon. oh well, too many cars to remember who did what 30 years ago off the top of the head.

but 20$ to the ceo of mcdonalds has less impact in his life than 20$ from one of his restaurant cooks. They might be paying a large sum, but not at the same percentage because of the sneaky ways the books are done. its not comparing apples to apples.

twins, or close approximations. but you can see both things shaking like a mother fucker.