Well this is going to go through my head every time I hear the song.

Whatever helps you cope homes.

Yes. They do. You're wrong.

Yall mothafukkas need S.C.I.E.N.C.E.

Seriously one of the best albums ever made.

It's not a moose. It's a female elk.

That's a fucking elk dude. I'm from where this video was taken.

Hey! That's my hometown. Evergreen Lake in Colorado if I'm not mistaken.

Shit. Well that was a long way to go for that. Still. Thanks for your help.

Yeah. Inside the gear icon it just let's me change it to comfort mode which has a top speed of 9.

I have the i9 Plus. Thought it was supposed to be able to do 19 to 20

Semi related but I can't find the answer anywhere else on line. My top speed is set to 16 for my iscooter and I can't increase it to the 20 or 21 that others have said they can get to.

Anyone know how I can do this?

Avs moved to Colorado where I'm from when I was 3. Dad was already a huge nordiques fan and had moved here 2 years prior.

The rest is history.

Stopped my frantic scrolling for sure. Baller ass artwork.

Cooked a little too long for my taste. But looks good nonetheless.

Thought that shit sounded familiar

I really hope something bad happens to you that is totally out of your control and leaves you destitute. Waste of breath asshole.

Lol. YouTube is a weird place.

Pretty goal