My reaction was: šŸ™„

Iā€™m never really a fan of ā€˜surprise pregnancy for dramaā€™.

ā€œI donā€™t drink water, fish fuck in it.ā€ -my dad

My 83 year old aunt (also not a boomer) takes a two-mile constitutional daily and mows her elderly-er neighborsā€™ lawns.

This is her in slowed down mode. She used to be much more active. šŸ˜‰

The Canal trail is in Glens Falls. It follows the canalway, so itā€™s pretty flat.

Feeder Canal

There is a spot on the Warren Co. bike trail, on your route, that is one of my favorite spots in the area. Just south of Bloody Pond is a little fairyland of cliffs, trees and water (and a really good rock-hounding area if you know where to look). Iā€™m sure you know the place!šŸ˜€

So youā€™re saying god killed a bunch of innocent babies in order to keep humans from killing innocent babies?

And you worship that monster?

It seems to me, that you are seemingly suggesting that any answer to the aforementioned inquiry might, possibly, maybe, perhaps be welcome. All of science ever done and all of the Vulcans šŸ––šŸ» seemingly agree that a forthcoming answer may be welcome.

Mightnā€™t you agree?

Iā€™m planning a spite fence made of sunflowers. Iā€™ll report back next summer.

My thoughts are that you should read the comment responding to that one. The commenter put some thought into that reply.

ā€œScience seems to propose reduction of everything observed in reality to energy.ā€

[citation needed]

ā€œScience seems to propose that energy is neither created nor destroyed. Reason seems to leave one remaining possibility: infinite past existence.

If everything observed in reality reduces to energy, reason seems to suggest that energy is reality's fundamental building block.ā€

[Please show your work.]

ā€œIf energy is reality's fundamental building block, reason seems to suggest that the "algorithm" for establishing every aspect of reality must be in either (a) energy or (b) an as-yet-unobserved wielder of energy, the latter seeming reasonably applicable to the apparent Biblical description of God.ā€

[itā€™s our old friend False Dichotomy! Welcome FD, have a seat next to ā€˜God of the Gapsā€™ and ā€˜scientific illiteracyā€™.]

Iā€™ m not going to do the rest.

Iā€™m not going to disagree that he was not a wise choice.

But I do love that movie to pieces, including Keanuā€™s Don John.

They are all unsupported. Thatā€™s what we have been trying to tell you.

You seem like a genuinely curious person, and you are for sure very patient.

But all the comments here are basically telling you that your logic is unsound, your arguments have no support, and you seem to not have a good enough understanding of the underlying science to continue. But instead of taking the criticism and hopping off to do some reading on your own, you just double down on your bad argument and copy and paste your blog.

I.e. you keeps saying ā€˜science seems toā€™ support a personal deity, and then proceed to demonstrate a misunderstanding of the laws of thermodynamics over and over again, as your support.

Do you talk like that in real life?

Oh I read that hours ago. It doesnā€™t follow now just like it didnā€™t then. Your logic is flawed. Back to the drawing board.

My thoughts?

ā€œThatā€™s just, like, your opinion, man.ā€

But, why?

You keep repeating this statement over and over, but have not presented any supporting statements, or evidence. What are we supposed to respond to?

We disagree with your statement. Without an explanation from you, there is no where else for the discussion to go.

Oh, Iā€™m sure itā€™s not at all unique.

So far itā€™s your basic the god of the gaps and scientific illiteracy, same shit, different day.

I have a thought.

Can you get though a post without using ā€˜seemsā€™?

You could use the words ā€œprovenā€, ā€œdemonstrableā€, ā€œevidenceā€, ā€œfactsā€, ā€œpeer reviewed repeatable studies have shownā€.

ā€œSeemsā€ is merely your opinion and you know the old saying about opinionsā€¦



Stop copy and pasting this over and over.

ā€œBible: To me so far, the Bible seems to describe the role of an infinitely-existent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, omnipotent, highest-level establisher and manager of every aspect of reality.ā€

ā€œTo me so far, The Harry Potter books seem to describe the role of wizards, practitioners of magical spells, hexes, and charms, and managers of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.ā€

Yeah, so everything after that is just nonsense.

Oofā€¦ I didnā€™t read that far, so thanks for taking one for the team.

Do theists really feel that bad about themselves that they have to ā€œoutsourceā€ basic decision-making to a deity? Thatā€™s tragic.

How about have a little self-respect? Yikes!

Wellā€¦? Weā€™re waitingā€¦

A ā€˜preview/overviewā€ of what?

You are proposing a discussion, but not a topic.

Well, you asked us how to make an opening post and then didnā€™t follow any of the advice you were given, soā€¦ not great.