Yea a good majority of our generation needs to go touch grass.

They get a bad rep for being "torture porn" when they really aren't. They horror cop movies at best with good stories, themes and twists. I recommend watching them all.

Say you are misinformed without saying it

I used to get asked this at a pawn shop I worked at, and it's dependent on your state laws and the statue because some crimes are never while some are after a couple years

Any gun owner should be happy about the Chevron ruling, it stops the ATF from pulling bs rulings violating our rights. The left should be happy because the FDA is a disaster of corruption of corporate influence that puts crap in our food and approves medication that makes us sicker while it's supposed to help.

  1. Your sources suck, if you are thinking of posting both extreme right and left sources makes you look neutral. It doesn't, it just makes you look uninformed. Try posting actual unbiased sources rather than attempting to play to both sides.
  2. You are advocating for it because you are talking about it more than anyone on the right, which in turn spreads it more than any actual supporter. You are doing their job for them, even though it's mostly fear mongering.
  3. Historically speaking these last couple years it's not the right that has been violent, it's the left that's being violent. I worried for my loved ones as well but because of realistic problems, economy, immigration, crime, and political violence.

Honestly I'm on a few reddits the majority of leftist and they are panicking. It's honestly hilarious how much project 2025 is coming up and how much they think we are turning into a dictatorship. Trying to talk to them and introduce rationally is impossible. They have no idea of government work or what kind of government we are.

Says the one who didn't know what kind of government the United States is. No they didn't but I'm not surprised you are misinformed. The media died such a good job making the right the Boogeyman while ignoring the left atrocities. Pray tell where you get your information?

Ofcourse there isn't because you ignored a big chunk of my comment and I know why. I most likely will be, because I've seen what leadership under Democrats is like state and nationwide and it's dreadful. Too bad because if y'all didn't act crazy I support a lot of your stances but they're unrealistic and turning closer to fascism than Republicans. I'm enjoying the judges because they're taking power away from the feds and insuring my rights, which I might not agree with all of them but that's what great about America is we can demand the change we want. At least we can agree it's common sense which is missing from the left.

No because not all of us can afford to travel as much as we like. It's just a huge misconception especially peddled by politicians that were a democracy. Anyone who took government or can use Google can tell you we are not. We are not talking about other countries, we are talking about America so I'm not playing the comparison game.

I'm sorry even as an independent that trial was a sham, the statue in New York is 2 years or 5 years of it's a felony. That was in 2016, so when are we making exceptions in laws to prosecute someone way after the statute of limitations? That's a dangerous precedent to set and is a little sketchy. It was the persecution of a political opponent which is a gateway to fascism. Looking at it from an outside perspective raises an eyebrow. Another note, we are not a democracy, we are a republic or more specifically constitutional federal Republic. I'm not turning a blind eye, I'm just not overreacting. I read it a long time ago and didn't take it seriously and still won't until I see it being a problem. Right now it's a Boogeyman to manipulate people on how to vote using fear. I support the tst and I'm a member but I like what you stand for, I'm pagan. I joined in support of the attack y'all have been under because I think we should stick together against them. I like the tenets but I have my own guidance to live under.

Or it's because of how you are acting that makes you come off childish and incapable of meaningful conversation. Don't like owning up to your actions despite it being a tenet, honestly you don't come off like a satanist.

I'm not though, you are telling me to leave because I disagree. I'm not though, I'm using logic and knowledge. I know it's scary to the uneducated but it really is great. So you really are no different than them, "think like me or get lost." So whose against the tenets? I'd rather vote third party than vote for 4 more years of Biden. Exactly you are no different than Christian nationalist

Gate keeping because I disagree, perfect! Way to show what kind of person you are, it kinda goes against the tenants no? A document of a hate group peer reviewed is kind of funny since it's by other hateful people. It's weird you put weight behind it, but the fact you don't see it as fear mongering makes sense. Yes because if I disagree with you I must support them πŸ™„, child like thinking. I'm a pagan I just use logic like you pretend to do when you're on your high horse.

Source? I know this because someone once tried to use them as a source in a debate in which they were humiliated after I looked into them. They're a hate group and nothing more, if you had a basic understanding of our government you wouldn't be afraid.

He needs his ass kicked, he could seriously hurt someone