Mounjaro. On it for diabetes though, the weight loss was just a pleasant side effect.

My husband would totally say this to me, if he was smart enough to think of it.

A very Happy Birthday to you Zuko, and hopefully many more to come! Who's a good boy? Zuko's a good boy, yes he is! β€πŸΆπŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸ’πŸ•πŸŽŠπŸŽ‚

Pigs are my favorite farm animal! I'm all in, get me a squiggly, all pink lil piglet, I'll snuggle the shit outta that pig! πŸ–

I don't have any advice, but thank you for being such a good friend and neighbor to this gentleman! You've only known him for one day and you still care enough to want to help him. You're a good person, and he's lucky to have you as his neighbor and friend. ❀

Nothing will happen, nothing ever does. They'll threaten jail, fines, or both but won't actually enforce anything.

I used to work in an office and I got paid hourly.

YESTERDAY! Yesterday is when it's time to throw in the towel! Hun, I know you love him but you're setting yourself AND your child up for a lifetime of pain if you stay with this man. I'm 56 years old and speaking from experience! Please get out while you're young and can still build a happy life for you and your child. This man doesn't love or respect you and things will only get worse from here.

Dogs are way too good for us. You will never know a more unconditional love than a dog's love. ❀

I just can't with this one. I mean, you aborted a wanted baby just because of HIM? What happened to my body my choice? Millions of single moms are raising their kids.Β  You can never get that baby back.

Found him (her?)! Looks comfy!

Also, NASCAR cup driver, I love going fast and then there's the money!

Figure skating. It's the only Olympic sport I follow and it's so beautiful and graceful. Ever since I was little I've always wanted to be a skater.