I agree what cohen did to peoples options on June 21 was shitty. 

Why couldn't he wait until Monday. 

Like wtf?

A nobody loser who panders to hedge funds that trash a beautiful company that provides jobs for people.

Canada is so diverse.

Poverty in a million different ways.

Be smug liberal voters.

"Settle down".. 

So defensive Hahaha 

 Which party exactly?

Same 16 economists who say bidens 3 remaining brain cells are perfectly functioning.

Smart money mad cause dumb money smarter than they are.

These newcomers know our trudope is corrupt and won't do anything against them. He is enablingvthem. They are not the actual problem.

Well canadians wanted a change from Stephen Harper's amazing economy and best g7 country. Change, canadians wanted a change with the blackfaced trudope.

You sucker's got it.

I am responding to op who brought the "right wing" into this.

 I never said the right is good by default.   I said what has the biden administration done for retail?

 Simple question!!

No I want him to be a hedge fund for the little guy and gal and teach us or help us be as rich as he is.

Imagine roaring kitty sets up his own hedge fund. Hahaha

canada ended with the election of trudope. Thanks liberal voters for destroying the best country in the world because of your woke politics.

You people are the most easily fooled.

If you love God, would you watch a fictional show of witches that worships satan?

It's not spiritually healthy to watch tv shows or listen to music that glorifies and worships demons.

Probably best to mind your own business.

He is right on the money.

I love his videos. I love his political videos. It keeps us informed which the marxists don't like.