I agree about AI, and I did gig by myself and then with a band for over 10 years... it was pretty hard work, also had a lot of fun... but in the end I really didn't care if I had an audience or not. I just love writing and playing. Live music will always have a place somewhere

Its GIZZZZMO DUCK!... finishing his gizmo fuc..... oy I'll see myself out

Funny because my wife actually enjoys the mic tap... like clicking a mouse... ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Why breath, why write, why imagine better, idk its just how I live

OMG I'm 45 and finally was diagnosed and the meds I'm on combined with the proper thyroid meds made me a completely different person... I don't recognize myself in pictures and my life is so much better... its kinda nuts how hard I worked to keep myself from going off the deep end without help..I'm a little sad I wasted the first 10 years of my marriage being a lunatic but I can't beat myself up about it (my wife's words ... and a shout out to her for being so patient with that guy) just move forward... but I had the same conversation with my bandmates awhile back "is this how you guys feel all the time?"... "yeah pretty much man" Me: "fucking wild"

Jesus.... and I thought my grandparents were old fashioned and they passed away in the 60s

I saw LoU before trying the game.... I have two boys, but either way I wasn't ready for the intro... when my first was born I used to cry if I just saw a commercial with kids just having fun... ugh

Record an album as some crazy blues prodigy... Also spend more time with my Dad and aunt...and my nana

1896 Washburn "new model" for 500 bucks at a pawn shop... nicest parlor I've ever played

.... I grew up in a very active area for spirits of the departed. My dad and I both saw the same little girl who had passed during a flood that occurred years before in the area we now lived in. I was always a sensitive empath, so it really didn't surprise me when we started hearing doors open and close a d chairs move ... here's a quick breakdown: My dad was a musician who primarily played old blues from the late 18 early 1900s... We started hearing childrens laughter coming from upstairs when he played music downstairs..

Our kitchen chairs would push themselves away from the table and against the dining room walls (which I didn't know was a very common occurance in Mennonite communities so you could use the table to help prep dinners and such.

I was having a rough night, so I decided to go upstairs and get a glass of water... as I was walking up the stairs half asleep I saw a little girl walking downstairs and I thought it was my little sister... I lifted my arm, and the girl bent down and walked under my arm and kept going.... two steps later, I realized I could see the banister through her. A couple of years later I mentioned her to my dad and he got a weird face and asked me to describe her... I did (short 10 or 11, pigtails and some sort of dress) he told be of seeing her one night and realizing he could see the vcr though her as well..

There were other events but you get the drift..

I'll leave one more story here tho. My dad passed away in April after a quick bout with cancer... the last 5 days he was non-responsive, but we all took turns staying with him until the end... During this time I mentioned to him that if he could let me know if he got to the "other side".....as it happened he passed at dawn ... I was there with my sister ... she was starting to panic and woke me from my doze ... I went and put my.hand on his head and watched as his pulse started to flutter I leaned down and told him to go in peace... and he just left. As I told my sister he had gone an older dementia patient that.had come in the night before started to yell my name over and over (up till now she was quiet) My sister though her tears told me to shut her up, but she heard my name as well "WIN! WIN! WIN!"...so I opened the door to fetch the doc to confirm time of death and as soon as I did she started a pointing gesture (my dad was a big hand talker) and said "WIN, YOU DO A GOOD JOB!", "YOU DO A GOOD JOB WIN"!... pointing with each word... I'll never forget that... my dad's last message... looking after the family is now my responsibility (being the oldest) What's the point of these stories...

He passed and gave me a message that he made it. I'm not afraid of death... its just the how I worry about so I hope it's not painful or slow....

12 string, a nice hollowbody, resonator, something with a Floyd, parlor guitar (preferably a good vintage one) Firebird

First date I took my now wife too was "Cruel Intentions" the end of that movie featured BSS. Every time I hear that song I'm taken back to looking at her face while she was watching the end of the movie and thinking "this is the women I will be with forever" And so far I've been right :) I gave her a copy of the LP for one of our anniversaries ...

I'm not a Hatsune fan, but two things 1) as a guitarist I love the Minku pedal... and 2) your Fandom seems like they're in it for a great time and I like that