Grand Junction Co. Is the best town/city in the U.S. Colorado National Monument, The Grand Mesa. Then check out Palisade wine country.

Stompers. I have never even watched a star wars movie

I punched my principal in the face for it. Needless to say, I didn't go to that high school anymore.

That's not true. I say it all the time. I still use rad as well,and it's totally awesome! If you don't like it you're totaled! Totally😃

Of course they are going to. Telling older generations they are out of touch and wrong is what humans do. Quit whining about it and get over it. It's embarrassing 😃

It will start by voting the union out. The employees/workers vote unions in they are the only ones who can vote them out. Then they can start a movement to give the power back to the States. I do know my kids went through a charter school filled with teachers who are taking action against Fed run education. Simply by leaving the public school system. Both of said kids are now in college on full ride academic scholarships. What have you accomplished in your life? I see your education failed you considering you have no ability to think through an issue. Then you can start the thought process of ideas to improve. Unfortunately your education taught you that all you are worthy of is whining about issues.

If they wanted it to change they would vote their union out. They would be campaigning to remove the feds from our education system. That's the system they choose to be in. If they are responsible for their actions then who is?

Ah back in the day when auto makers equipped cars with hash burners 😃

Blame the children for inept adults?? This hasn't worked for the last 44 years. Maybe we should make the federal government butt of education. Put it back to the States and the local voters. Then boot the wage stealing unions out. We would have the ability to eliminate the bad teachers more easily.

We currently sit at 30 something in the world when it comes to education. 30 something countries are better than us in education?? No our teachers are not performing at a level that would qualify for a raise.

My favorite part is how much you all love the cheneys now. That family was the devil not too damn long ago 😈

You know one of the drone strikes Obama ordered killed an innocent child? Should Barry be charged with murder? Presidents didn't live by the same standard we do. If I kill a terrorist group leader I will be convicted of murder. A president has the authority to order the military to kill enemies. These are the official acts under the Constitution SCOTUS said would be deemed official. They threw the others back to the lower courts staying they didn't due their due diligence in determining if they were official acts. Not to mention everything every liberal pundit and politician said would happen if Trump was elected in 16 is exactly what is happening under Joes watch. I suppose it's like you guys always say. Behind every accusation is an admittance of guilt.

Interesting. He has family in both towns. He went to protect the family business. Two of the victims were shot while trying to murder and burn the family business on fire. The 3rd victim was shot while pointing an illegal firearm at him intending to shoot him. You will see this if you watch the unedited videos. The jury got to see those videos. That's why he was acquitted. The one pointing the gun at him was a convicted felon baby rapper. That's the story I got. Why are our two versions drastically different?