Just checking in to get my daily read of the sub sucking off the Celtics. Bol everyone!

If you ain’t cash out your pacers bets at halftime you played yourself.

Weren’t y’all saying just last week that it didn’t matter who wins their matchups in the east because “Celtics are sweeping whoever they play”? Keep that same energy when Knicks move on to the next round and Celtics struggle to close out the cavs which may not even happen

Nah not getting any sympathy from me. I don’t give a fuck who lost money, don’t bet if you can’t handle losing it’s that simple. Riding my Knicks through the finals regardless of what people think

Pacers bettors went from counting their winnings at halftime to not even covering the spread lmfao. Saying the Knicks were dead and Brunson is done. You clowns never learn, Knicks ganggggg

No pregame bets but slammed wolves -180. Not the best odds but wolves playing the best team basketball I’ve seen all playoffs

Alexander walker is a turnover brick shooting prick fuck

Lost years of my life sweating this entire series but was well worth it. Knicks GANG!!!

The Brunson burner let’s fucking go!! Told y’all multiple times this year don’t doubt my guy!

Keep on fouling Middleton you fouling fuck. Thank you Sheppard for the first to 10 cash!!

Why does no one acknowledge the extra minute that they played where he got his 8th assist?? I didn’t bet that day but I remember seeing on twitter they ended up playing more time then they were supposed to. Honestly this should of paid out fuck the books, but am I tripping or is it because of the extra time that should’ve never happened?

Just when I was starting to think embiid was the most fragile player AD ends the season reminding me why his nickname is glass

Not sure why everyone dick rides jaquez all year. Dude is a walking fucking brick just awful