Yeah I know a few people I’d like to ejecto out of my car now that I think about it. Such a shame the 86 didn’t come with a sun roof …

Could be a Bentley like OP suggested but I’m leaning towards an early 2000’s jag. My parents had a few growing up and it looks similar

I uhhh ….. why? Why would you want that? 😂

I have this book and it is great for beginners. I owe most of that I know to the authors and of course, all you lovely rascals on Reddit!!👍

Uhhhhh…. Those aren’t FUCKING PANTS!!!!

Seriously? How has nobody said ejecto seato yet?

Hmmmm….. you’ve got me seriously considering wether or not a court of law would accept it if I claimed that I identify as a microscope 🤔

Ahhh fair enough, I’m in the uk and we don’t have them long straight roads like you yanks

I’m the one trolling? You’re hating on a tek that works for loads of people just because you couldn’t wash the knob cheese off your fingers before inoculating.

And that sandwich analogy sucks ass mate. Try again.

You’re talking absolute gob shite mate. I use uncle bens to start all my grows and am currently sitting here with ounces and ounces so you go stick to your tek and I’ll stick to mine. It’s a great way for beginners to start without having to do much work and as far as I’m concerned, it works for experienced growers such as myself

We’re talking about buckets with paint on THE OUTSIDE WHERE THE FOOD DOESNT FUCKING GO you dumb cunt

Are you fucking stupid? Lead paint hasn’t been used for a very long time and your cutlery at home is made of metal. I literally drink small pieces of metal at work (accidentally of course) and I’ve never been sick because of it. This container will almost certainly be made out of some kind of stainless steel. The same material that your cutlery is made from

You’re going to wanna get yourself a microscope and study the shit out of those…. That’s what they’re for

Stop hating on uncle bens just because YOU couldn’t get it to work.

What? It’s a free spore syringe. Get some uncle bens and see what happens. Why would you not?

It’s just cheaper than paying out a settlement to someone claiming that they got sick from food served in the buckets. Stop being a twat and just put your chips in there, what’s the worst that could happen? Like what do you actually think makes them unsafe? It’s metal and paint

Totally man I thinks it’s a banging idea

I heard your mums and expert is hoes technology 😏

😂 fair point dude, didn’t think of it like that

😂 grow up pal you would have know that everyone would “ruin your day” if you were active in this sub on a regular basis. Go back to your fillings and cavities 🦷