100% I grew up on a farm, and if any dog we had would have ever attacked any livestock or other animals on the farm or humans, there would be no hesitation to put such a dog down. Some behavior isn't worth giving a second chance to.

I get that. I moved to Victoria from Edmonton a couple of years ago, and the amount of talking bad of Edmonton by people from Victoria and Vancouver that I met initially was funny. Quite a few who talked down about Edmonton had never been. It amuses me when people in Victoria complain about the weather. An awful day in Victoria is barely a blip to prairie residents.


I know property taxes have nothing to do with healthcare, but if seniors can defer paying property taxes, can I and other younger people defer paying taxes for healthcare since younger people often need less healthcare? The cost of living is affecting me, and I'd like to be able to avoid paying taxes somewhere. 

I don't understand how a group of people can justify not paying into something that helps everyone. Current seniors enjoyed lots of benefits of multiple generations paying property taxes and all the other taxes we pay as a society when the seniors were in the 20-50 age ranges. It can't be an opt in or out of certain taxes just because you feel like it situation.

Nice. By the time I realized she was doing a show in Vancouver for FTE, it was sold out. more seats were opened up a few days before the show, but I had an appointment I couldn't cancel without paying cancellation fee, so I stayed home sad to have missed it. I was delighted to see she added more dates to the tour.

I did the same, and I got the impression that the presale link will open on her website at the relevant time as long as you sign in on her website. When I looked last night, it had what seemed like a link that wasn't active at that time.

Because some people will refuse to see drivers as the leading problem because of the few times they see pedestrians or cyclists doing something wrong. I agree that drivers are the main cause of problems on roads.

There has been some push to change the language around car collisions, but it's definitely a slow process. Calling it an accident definitely seems to take some onus off drivers. It's not that pedestrians and cyclists don't do things that potentially cause collisions as well, but I don't think drivers should get off as lightly as some of them seem to. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/23/science/its-no-accident-advocates-want-to-speak-of-car-crashes-instead.html

An example I'm thinking of is someone not clearing all the snow off their windshield and side windows. If they proceed to hit someone in a crosswalk because they couldn't see properly due to their own actions, that's something the legal system could treat harsher. By not taking proper care before driving, they in large part caused the incident.

You don't even need to be impaired. Killing or injuring someone while driving sober should be treated much more seriously than it is. Some drivers face only a fine after injuring someone.

Yup. I've travelled from Victoria to downtown Victoria about once a month so far this year, and it does get tiring. The connector bus is only for one or two ferries each day, so it's very limited if you want that bus connection option, and it's not much quicker than transit, so it's not worth the cost for me.

Meetup has lots of groups, and there's probably a child-free group in Edmonton that does events and hangouts. I'm in such a Meetup group, but I don't live in Edmonton.

Please read a book about continental landmasses and geography.

By that logic, Vancouver Island isn't part of North America and neither is Newfoundland nor Baffin Island or any of the other hundreds of islands in the Artic.

Thank you for the link and information.

Leave the European Union. The EU is a political entity. Europe is a continent. The UK is still part of the continent of Europe and will be no matter what votes happen.

It's a rules for thee but not for me issue. Basically she's a hypocrite.

I still remember meeting a couple of people in their 20s from Montana while traveling in Europe who didn't know where Alberta was. I laughed, but it was laughter of humour and pain.

8 or 9 years ago I was an alcohol monitor. It's basically security light. Anything that needed to be dealt with, we let security know about it, and they handled it. It was very easy. As previously mentioned by another person, if you've got a pulse, you can handle the job. You need a ProServe certificate to be alcohol monitor, but that was very easy to get through an online course. 

The job did mean being on your feet all shift, and some locations were fully sun exposed, so it got very hot and much harder to take. Usually they have at least a couple of people at each station, so we would swap out being in sun and shade to make it easier.

Because her legal first name is Marlaina. 

"...the premier’s legal name is Marlaina Danielle Smith but she goes by Danielle, her middle name."

This article has information about why it has become a thing.  https://calgaryherald.com/opinion/columnists/bell-parents-rights-danielle-smith-believes-albertans-her-side

She's trying to prevent certain people in Alberta from changing their name but she has changed her name in public is the basics around it.

The small town I grew up in had a great toy bingo shortly before Christmas for many years. It was great, and most of the surrounding community attended. Definitely one of the big social events of the year the area.

Strawberry Vale Community Club lists bingo on it's website, but the calendar hasn't been updated since 2022, so I'm not sure how accurate the information is. The club might have a phone number or email you could contact them with.
