:libleft: - Lib-Left

Oh how the turntables. Now let's see the left's Illinoisan suicidal extremist.

:libleft: - Lib-Left


lol okay revisionist.

:libleft: - Lib-Left

I wouldn't worry. Libleft bitches online constantly but never do anything. Authright are the ones that go out and guns down schoolkids in a murdersuicide. I'm just glad everyone is having a good time.

It's alright to think this way but for the love of everything you hold dear please still vote.

Thanks for reminding me Rush Limbaugh is dead.

Trump LITERALLY lied about everything he said at the debate corroborated by MULTIPLE DIFFERENT FACT CHECKERS but since he didn't stumble his words and talked assertively that means he "won." So so sooo stupid. This country is fucked.

Look at the reddit analytics. upvotes and comments on the conservative subs vs all other law subs/political subs. It's not even close. Just because their bullshit appears on the front page or top of the comment page doesn't make it popular overall. They are very much the minority that just like to scream and shit and piss everywhere. Also it's social media lol most people are posting these wild comments from their phone or computer while doing regular day-to-day things. Keep perspective.

Oh wow how convenient that anything deemed an official act no longer counts as evidence either. It's almost as if they're trying to make the most damning evidence of him actually doing what he did moot. Please wake up. This clown is being blatantly manipulative. Stop falling for his bullshit I'm begging you.

:libleft: - Lib-Left

That is not how the system "has always worked." Otherwise literally everybody with any legal know-how wouldn't be this up in arms about what just happened. The president has never had this power before and it was not supposed to be up to the supreme court but to congress. This is extremely bad but I have a feeling you're going to downplay/ignore it until it's too late to do anything. I'm begging you not to vote for this clown. There will be better conservative presidents who haven't been proven over and over and over to be guilty in a court of law for a crime.

:libleft: - Lib-Left

Anon... he's openly admitting crimes now. Why do you keep doubling down on this clown? There will be better conservative presidents. Why put THIS man in power? He has been skirting the legal system at least since the 1980s with his mob connections long before he decided to be president. He is far worse candidate than biden the corpse.

And if they decide if he's wrong? Appeal to the supreme court, who will vote in his favor because he personally handpicked the judges. How is this not concerning to you guys?

:libleft: - Lib-Left

Why let something like evidence or the truth get in a way of a good story

:libleft: - Lib-Left

No it's really not because that "clarification" was literally what the impeachment process was for, then congress decided to vote on impeachment based on party lines, effectively giving the president immunity by NOT doing something. Now the supreme court says, you know what? Fuck you, they have immunity and you can't use their actions as evidence. You guys have severerly gone off the deep end with your justifications. I'm begging you to stop doubling down on this clown.

I would argue tricking the nation into a war is not inside the outer perimeter of a president's duties.


Conservatives are desperately downplaying how badly thr court fucked up with this ruling. But they'll keep doubling down as always thinking naively that everything will be fine.

Yeah its crazy his republican congress didn't impeach him for that, or Bill Clinton's impeachment either. Its good to know that now doesn't fuvking matter because its assumed completely legal.

:libleft: - Lib-Left

I don't understand how being a felon bars you from so many jobs and rights except running for president. Not to mention what gave these past presidents "immunity" was the willingness for congress to impeach and find them guilty which, surprise, voted on party lines. Now the president has a full get out jail card regardless of what congress thinks.

How does this subhuman monster keep getting away with it? How many people in this country are this blatantly cruel, dense, or apathetic that he has a legitimate chance to win???

Everyone's doubling down on their insanity. We're no better. I would have took any other candidate than Trump and his magas but here we are.

:libleft: - Lib-Left

I feel like you are arguing in bad faith and treat this like its a sports team. Who are you irl? 18? Computer guy? How can you not see the policies you support negatively affect you? Or do you care about only one specific thing. here btw