So can the punk on the corner with an illegally obtained gun, what’s your point? I think I’d be officially dead either way.

Looks down shorts, darn still the same size, what should I try next. Nothing is working.

I’m not going outside, don’t want to fall off the earth today.

Maybe the mail order bribe service now has express delivery and a free two day trial and Trump is looking for a wife to standby him and fake it better than Melania.

I don’t trust other people, and I only trust the dealership a little bit, so I’ll buy new to avoid “unknown issues”, and then keep the car a really long time to make it worthwhile.

Here’s want you do, get a nice old book, hollow it out, a little Velcro to hold in place up there and keep you 2nd amendment in it.

When the quality of play gives you the urge to defecate, you have to be ready!

I haven’t seen a cat move like that since I tied a Mylar balloon to our Himalayan’s collar, only the to have the house phone ring two seconds later and scare them in running away, under and over everything trying to get away from the balloon.

Someone had to do, Florida man seems like the logical choice.

I feel like it’s more true than not if they are fighting it this hard. MAGA doth protest too much, methinks

They pulled this same stunt with our account, it wasn’t until I starting asking about arbitration that our account magically went active again without warning, with the same listings and inventory numbers as it had nearly a year and a half prior. Cleaning that up was a blast since we had held our own inventory and had been selling on other sites the whole time.

I’ll be right over!

The seats feel thin and aren’t supportive. Kinda like the underlying material isn’t dense enough.

Nah! Amazon makes it easy, they’re glad to screw over 3rd party sellers in a blink of an eye, it ain’t their money they are giving back

Won’t work if you don’t inject it - DJT

Don’t forget rotisserie chicken 🍗

If she posted this on Facebook, they’d be showing her vibrator ads right now.

Can someone redo this, but cover the bus with Trump signs? Asking for a friend.