Hey there what do you work as,and how many years of experience do you have to reach that level in your job

The whole reason the people are in RI /HCI is cuz they rich not everyone but quite abit as they spam tution which helps student alot especially in early years xd no offence to those to worked hard to go there tho

you can nvr trust them both the products and the men-Mao za dong

What poly and course did you get in

Hello would be possible to go from a business course in dpp to an IT course in poly?

Did you get a reply? Did they accept you?

Damn wtf how did they not accept you,im in somewhat in your shoes i got 12 for pfp but B4 for maths I appealed to Rp but they'll get back to me late Feb and honestly chances are slim I'm in a dpp course but idk if should do Sec 5 because there's no point if I am going to score bad and waste another year in sec school Haiz live was been tuff past few weeks friends who got 12 got the p form and can go pfp while I'm essentially "stuck in ite"? Anyway good to hear at least someone has something going for them congrats man/women Xd but can I know if the Appeal for Rp even works?

Apprantly the appeal results come out towards the end of Feb they inform you via email

HelpOpinion/Fluff Post
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I got 12 points and B4 for Math but my English is A1 I want to take business which typically focuses on English. What should I do?

I sure hope so. I Jst hope its not stuck in my throat

Am I going to dieQuestion
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No way me fr i jst think its normal at this point once you deal with this type of shit for so long the normal teasing or insults dont even really matter anymore.

After 18,everything changes you can make your own choice and own decisions. Ik its hard to go against your own parents but things like marriage is not a playground and minimally should be your choice whether you want to marry a guy they choose or a guy u like. Theres always a choice do not say such things as my fate is sealed if you have already accepted this then there no point writing this point. Remember only you control your fate your parents merely play a part in it.

Wait are u the whole who has a crush on the teacher?

N level dnt 2023

Wtf was that dnt paper? Like seab has gone wild who tf set that. I didn't even know how to do the pulley question?? And the second last question I said to add a light sensing circuit to make it a close loop system

Hello,dm for the papers I hv them my friends leaked it.

but the resultant is hcl hcl in gas hydrogen chloride

i wish i could take lit bro lit is so fun