I’d keep track of the excuses. Some people have a litany of excuses. But how many of these excuses are true?

Yes, this is exactly how I prep meals. A label maker is so helpful to label food and date on containers.

Let anyone who thinks you are heartless take them in. “Put up or shut up.”

I’d be out of there, fast. She is mentally unstable.

Yes. I store meals in the freezer and take them out in the morning as I head to work.by lunchtime they are thawed, ready to heat and eat.

Fresh foods can only be prepared for a couple days in advance.

I do large batch cooking and freeze meal sized servings of those things. When I have a few varieties of things, it helps with variety though out the week.

Ignoring her is a good way to communicate with her. There are people in this world who expect that someone is there to take care of them and their needs.

I walked 7 blocks home for lunch when I was in grade school. Imagine walking all the way back to school after eating lunch. The bell would be ringing. I never had time to go to the restroom. Third grade teacher would deny my request to use the restroom. I even wet myself a few times because of her. Then she would have me go stand outside to dry off. What a bitch!

Nope, no going to Grandma's house? When Grandma asks why, she can be told straight up. Let her have a fit. She wants things her way.

I bought a HUD home decades ago that had been vacant for years. I met the new neighbors before I closed on the house and many of the other neighbors would not talk to me. It seems that the first neighbor I had met had tried to buy my house but I was able to. They tried to sue HUD about the house, and because of that, HUD gave me a real deal on it. When those first neighbors finally moved out, the other neighbors began talking to me. I really cannot stand most of them anyway because of how they treated someone they didn't even know.

Who is selfish? Not you! You are NTA! Expecting you to be the nanny for free is way over the top. Who is there for you? Who will help you in the future? It sounds like it will not be anyone in your family. You have given notice to them and need to get ready for your new promotion, taking care of yourself.

This! Finances should all be kept separate! Don't share anything financially until you are married. Don't buy a house together until then.

Call the company who put up your internet and tell them that you think your neighbor has hacked into it. They can come and look at it and can tell if he has hacked in or not. They should be able to help with this problem.


Has nephew been asked to apologize for throwing your son into the adult pool? That should be first!

You’re getting married. I wonder if this will have any impact on how others behave at your wedding?

I always shop what is in season and on sale. It is hot summer here now, so I tend to eat more fruits and salads now. Look through the sales pages for ideas.

It depends on you, your finances and skills. If you have the money, but one ready to live in. If not but have skills, you can build one or buy a shed and make it into a livable home. There are lots of YouTube videos showing what people have done for tiny homes.

Set up a sprinkler in your yard that will get the fireworks wet.

Where is she spending the money that is being sent to her? Liquor? Drugs? Gambling? Shopping addiction?

While I get the problem, it is your husband who has not figured it out. Unless or until he does, this will continue with him being asked to finance her life.

What is better? Her living with you so you can monitor what she is doing with her life and money, or financing her life in a place of her own?

Congratulations! You took a step in changing the treatment of women in your culture. Women have been used, mistreated and abused too much in the whole world. Each of us needs to stand up against the mistreatment of women.

Even though the acceptance of differences has changed, there are still people who are deeply homophobic and would like to hurt anyone who is not straight and narrow like they are. I'd put up cameras and be very careful. All of the older people that I know who are gay are always very careful with their identities and behaviors. We all know that this is a deep and nasty thing that has existed in the world for a long time and many people will continue with their hate, just as they are racist and will continue that hate as well.

You can be too tired to attend her events.

Search through previous posts. Some of these questions come up over and over again. You will find answers here that have already been posted.