If Cam Reddish had the work ethic of this tweet and the mentality of a guy like Trae, he would be a top 5 player.

And while we're doing "ifs..." if Hunter had the motor of Saddiq, he'd probably be an all-star level player

We only gave away 2 unprotected picks: one in '25 and '27. '26 is a pick swap which I'm assuming you're referencing. Not even close to the same thing.

Because of Schlenk's extensions. We have a bunch of decent rotation players on $15-25M contracts (Hunter/Capela/Bogi/CC/OO). The teams that have like three maxes are usually filled out with minimums for the most part.

The Murray trade was not good, but we have successfully unwound it with no real losses. We gave up 3 FRPs and bad salary in Gallo for Murray on a 14% (very good contract) of the cap deal (2 more years in team control). We sent him out on a 20% (worse value contract) of the cap deal with 3 years of team control for 2 FRPs and a promising young player (that was drafted 8th). We even shored up weaknesses in the trade and now have an elite POA defender. We're actually better after the Murray trade and recouped assets.


Which leads to the actual damage Schlenk did, which was handing out contracts to guys like they're family. The lucrative extensions he handed out are by far the most damaging... we got off JC (thankfully) but still have Hunter and Capela. So again, Landry has to continue to clean this up before we can feel good about the future. As much as people here think you can flip mid assets on expensive contracts for superstars, that's now how things work outside the trade machine or 2K.

Fischer has good sources but you can't always trust when he's first to report something because he takes chances to be first before deals are 99.9% done. It's why Woj/Shams are the gold standard.

OO gets "bullied" on the boards because he's continuously pulled out of position by our worst-in-class perimeter defenders. He's a fine rebounder and will do well starting.

Capela is washed man, been declining steadily and heavily. Let OO start, it completes the vision of having an extremely versatile lineup on offense and defense. Let Quin work without the limitation of a drop big that cannot defend on the perimeter and also cannot shoot outside of dunks (and struggles with those now as well).

Hunter you have to be more stubborn with, but I think they want to get rid of him because he does not have "Hawks DNA" and he doesn't have much impact on winning. Hunter's problem is he is amazing on paper and the perfect archetype that is hard to find (big wing), but he doesn't do any of the things well that make you want that archetype in the first place.

No doubt lmao if we can get serviceable rotation guys and not have to give up any picks for these guys, it will be a win. Landry has had to clean up all of Schlenk's messes before he can do anything interesting with this roster.

Spurs org is not interested in Trae, only their fans.

Yeah they didn't catch him walking by the in-stadium concessions lol dude is already in the parking lot. Probably horrendously hungover and hadn't seen his team score a goal in like 270 minutes of playing time so he just walked the hell out

All-NBA but i agree i was pissed when trae made it lol 

I need a gif of Pickford on the ground with the ball shaking his head like a bobble head doll lmao

What do you mean too far the other way?

We brought in a POA defender (much needed) that does not require the ball in his hands (positive with Trae), and we got a very valuable Lakers pick and another pick in the '27 draft which fills another draft hole for us. We have also desperately needed a backup PF and Nance should be able to give us 20 good minutes a game and play spot minutes at backup C.

Splitting with Murray is absolutely course correcting, unless you’re suggesting we should have ran it back with him. No one is saying there arent more moves to make, but this is absolutely a course correcting trade.