
The Kodiak isn't insulated but if modified correctly for an ac unit it cools the entire tent down and keeps the air cool inside. I've seen more people struggle with ac inside their shiftpods causing it to collapse on itself lol


I have used a 10x14 Kodiak for many years at the burn! It's HUGE and if you really want to partition rooms off for yourself you totally could. I hang tapestries to section off the tent into living and sleeping space. I line the floor with rugs and I have a strict rule of not wearing shoes in my tent and this keeps the dust down inside. Everyday before I leave my tent I lay an extra sheet over my bed to ensure my sleeping area will remain as dust free as possible. It has lots of vents and they are easy to modify if you want to add an ac unit. It also held up well during the rain last year- not one drop of water inside. After every burn I take the time to do a thorough clean and it looks as if it's never been on playa before. I highly recommend the Kodiak!

Indeed. Just look up how much their CEO made over the last couple years. We can thank him for squeezing every penny out of us

You should look up the grassroots public power San Diego initiative! It got enough signature to go before the city council for a vote. Those corrupt leaders refused to put it in the ballot for voters to decide. Probably because the SDGE lobby bribed them all more than likely. However the group behind this initiative continues to fight!

I go to bed around 10pm every single night and my body automatically wakes up around 4-5am. Even though my body is awake, I wouldn't say that my brain is and it takes me a couple hours of power lounging to really come alive

A consistent sleep schedule of at least 6-8hrs per night , sleep hygiene and honoring my body's circadian rhythm help me feel well rested and productive everyday

Yes reply speaks volumes about your ignorance and lack of humanity, empathy or insight into the human experience in general let alone on a global level. My time and knowledge isn't free and helping you is beneath my pay grade. How does it feel to be just another brainwashed, ignorant arrogant American? Have the day you deserve

More bloating to sound like you're entitled to a free education from strangers because you're too lazy to invest your own time into reading and educating yourself but you have free time to continue typing dialect rambling on about how entitled you are. Yawn

You sound lazy, entitled and arrogant.

The American dream lol

I wake up around 4-5am and stretch first thing. Make coffee. Journal. Go for a walk right after the sun rises to watch the world light up. Power lounge and read a new book. Make breakfast. Plan my day. Dance foolishly in my living room to wake up my body and use my muscles.

Every morning that I don't have to work is a slow and beautiful start to my day. I like to spend a few hours acclimating to life before I leave my house and it has made all the difference in the world

The burden of proof is on me? How about go look on social media and follow some of everyday citizens on the ground in Gaza.

The burden of proof is that you're a brainwashed pawn of whatever empire you belong to. A human that has accepted and normalized a genocide is not in fact a human. You've lost your soul and essence of what being human means. Have a look in the mirror today and ask yourself what the point of life is. You seem to have forgotten you are a human.


The level of entitlement and arrogance demanding someone to educate you is next level. Good luck in this life if you expect the world to educate you while you never lift a finger...

Wow google is so easy it's almost like your education is at your fingertips! It is not my job to educate you now that you've decided to open your eyes to reality. Welcome, I've been here a long time. Good luck out there if you expect people to just enlighten you lol.

I am done with the system and am joining the millions of other Americans who are working towards a revolution. Join us and break free from your chains? Or continue making money for your 1% elite class masters. Up to you.

I don't. I want to encourage you to read and educate yourself on the very obvious genocide that has been happening for over 9 months now. The residents on the ground show exactly what is happening. I don't need to have an argument on the validity of the extermination of an entire group of people when I have two functioning eyeballs and critical thinking skills not to mention I have studied this conflict for over 25 years of my life and we have been warning of this for generations.

So you're okay with maintaining the status quo and system of oppression. Got it

It meets every single legal definition per the UN actually. Amazing what lengths and mental gymnastics a human has to go to support a genocide and violence against women and children. Yall are sick and deserve whatever happens to you in this life

It's silly to have a different viewpoint from the system we currently have in place? What's silly is what your suggesting: maintain the status quo. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. We are the people of this country we can absolutely demand where our money goes. What kind of human even argues against healthcare spending? Please look in a mirror, you're sick

Okay you are totally okay with the slaughter of over 15,000 children, got it. You do realize that normalizing this violence only secures your own, right? You do realize that accepting this level of violence especially against children, is giving a green light to fascism around the world, right? You do realize that brutalizing civilians in this manner including bombing hospitals and places of worship which should be considered sacred without impunity sets a dangerous precedent for what is deemed "acceptable" and "normal" in this society. That's saying I'm okay with fascism. I'm betting you're of the camp who would wait until no Palestinians were left on this earth before you were to say "welp looks like it was a genocide". You are disgusting members of the human race without any sense of humanity. I hope you look in the mirror and are okay with the violence you have accepted against your own kind. Shameful. Get well soon

You can attempt to regale me with the benefits of choosing one genocidal ruler over the other but anyone supportive of Biden who is funding this genocide is quite literally mentally disturbed. There is a GENOCIDE what is hard for you to understand that the violence over there doesn't just stay over there. lol my god

I don't have anything to offer you as I do not support a convicted felon

Imagine humans allowing, excusing and accepting a genocide for any reason... imagine thinking you are a human somehow safe from the evil..... wow. Where are your brains? You're telling me to vote for the guy funding genocide versus the guy who might do more genocide? Do you realize how absolutely ridiculous you sound? You cannot be serious. All I know is that the humans around me are profoundly sick . Get well soon. My god .... humans actually overlooking a live streamed genocide until you're blue in the face. You're signing your own death sentence by ignoring a genocide folks.

Correct. If a live screened genocide didn't change people's mind absolutely nothing will.

It's also the very obvious genocide of an entire people that Biden has sent billions in dollars of American tax dollars. You know, money that could have been used right now for healthcare housing food subsidies etc....

It's also the genocide...... wild that people can overlook that little fact. The mental gymnastics it takes a human to accept and tolerate a genocide and still vote for the man funding it all is probably about as close to choosing your own demise as it gets. How about we choose a candidate that isn't funding the massacre of an entire people live on our phone screens? Maybe?

Don't you think you could leave some housing for others instead of buying it all up for your own profit?

I have seen affordable (and cute!) 1b rentals on foot in South Park, golden hill and Logan Heights! A lot of places most definitely still use the old fashion method of advertising.