I love his lil baby ears that are pointed 🥰

He has allergies and is really itchy so the vet recommended chlorhexidine shampoo

My boy gets bathed weekly with special shampoo. Otherwise he's stinky, he plays rough with other dogs!

Talk to your vet. We were giving benadryl twice a date due to his itching. Now we have him on cytopoint. Would recommend it's a once a month injection

Omg she is adorable! I just want to snuggle her! She makes cute lil babies too. What color is dad?

No chicken! My boy is on lamb and grain free diet with salmon oil. we did benadryl during spring due to allergies but recently he's been super itchy so decided a vet visit was needed. I had heard about an injection called cytopoint its an antihistamine. It's worked great and he's not at all itchy anymore! Talk with your vet about cytopoint. Also, only a year still young, so socialize him with people and dogs.

Get a leather sofa. Fur just slides right off

What a good boy, that's excellent play skills! Keep socializing him. My boy also loves the dog park

Bring lots of her favorite treats when going out to socialize! Try and take her every where you go. Have her meet all the people and every time she greets the person they give her a treat. Start introducing her to your friends/family dogs and walk with them. Take her on daily walks with extra treats for people you come across the way. Positive reinforcement!

Also, I take my boy to the dog park. I have ever since he was fully vaccinated. He loves it. But I know it's not for everyone

I give Merick beef and sweetpotato. Main ingredients beef, lamb and salmon. I also give salmon oil to help with itchy and dryness.

I used to hate the tread. I've never been a jogger/runner. I was never able to maintain a jog pace for a mile because I couldn't breathe! Turns out I have exercise induced asthma that a coach actually mentioned I might have. Turns out wheezing isn't normal when running. Had no idea. So, now I use am inhaler 30 minutes before I work out and can breathe. I'm not fast but I challenge myself to maintain a jog pace the whole time or try to beat my pervious mile time. I've even started jogging 5k's. Another thing I hated was getting the heavy weights that aren't in front of my station. My coach challenged me to lift heavier and now I look forward to the challenge of how heavy I can lift.

We use Merrick lamb and sweet potato food. A thing I noticed is my boy has really runny poop. Like the first poo is soild then as he goes on his daily walk they get more loose. I've added pumpkin puree to his dinner and it's helped some but not a lot. Any suggestions on firming up his poop?

I 100% love him🥰 so cute 😍

I think its a shar pie trait to be aloof to Strangers. My boy is 2 and we worked really hard on socializing him. He goes to the dog park, walks daily and had a bunch of friends over to the house. We used positive reinforcement, when he would come up to smell a stranger we have the stranger give him a treat. As soon as people come into the house they give him a treat. He's still very selective on who can pet him. He does what i call the fake out, they go to pet his head and he says physc! Just keep exposing him to new people, new places and use positive reinforcement with treats