lol my gut tells me the grey pupper won although the white pupper had the toy first. But I gotta know.. WHO WON?

Exactly. It’s wild how many of them there are.

Hahahaha THANK YOU! He’s bummed out that the fucking costume man isn’t real. Insane. “Fake reality”

Fake reality? He’s a fucking guy in a costume. Also, tell us more about how streaming being “fake” is way worse than grooming a minor. “It has been like that since before Jesus was born.” What the fuck.

Maybe I have and maybe I haven’t. I’ll never tell ya.

Are other games more detailed under the car? Honest question.

Try TriBecca in Sardis. Trust me, I’m not knocking St Leo. Google TriBecca.

Tribecca in Sardis is the 6ntubbs owners older brother. It’s dine in (and Sardis) but it’s the best pizza im the state. Hands down.

Yeah she’s crazy. No doubt. But my guess is you already know the issue is you in general. All that passion/integrity/do it for the love bullshit is something you prove through the work/product. That “helping you out” shit is a hustle whether you understand what I’m saying or not. And she smelled it. And dumped some crazy on ya. Be more cut/dry. Short and sweet. It was the roofer shit/ reiterating IN A TEXT that got you. And if you do great work bc you love your work, the clients will come running. It sucks but remember that they don’t care about your passion ect. It’s YOUR passion.

Still love Reasonable Doubt and that Dynasty record. So good.

Jesus. You’re probably right. Those kids would definitely have fucked you or OP up. Sincerely.