That's Texas before air-conditioning. Unless it's the middle of winter when this picture was taken, they had to be suffocating.

It worked for Shakespeare.

Also, you should not care about whether your idea offends someone. If it means something to you and is authentic to your vision, you do not need to ask anyone's permission.

I don't know. I believe you can download it to your PC though.

How do they take themselves so seriously? I'm almost embarrassed for them.

Also, nothing says "bad-ass cowboy" like paying hush money to a porn star so she won't ruin your political campaign. That's how the west was won.

iCloud is just a website that's storing your stuff. Sounds fancier than it is.

We talk about the verdict being consequences of Trump's own actions. Well in a very real way, Trump himself is the consequence of the Republicans' own actions. Because they constantly appealed to fear and hatred and people's lowest instincts. Now they are stuck with the living embodiment of that fearmongering.

In a DAY. I fell out of my chair when I saw the verdict was back already.

That was the irony. I wanted to see if I could find some rational voices on their side in the midst of all this. I found a couple who weren't exactly awful, but most of them were pretty bad. So bad that they seemed like a stereotype of "crazy conservative guy"

If there's no good way to handle it, then we have nothing to lose by sticking to our principles

But the alternative is we try to give him special treatment because we're afraid of him?

I've never heard "DH" before, but I have heard STBXW (soon to be ex-wife) and AP (affair partner.) People use these as if everyone has always known what they meant.

The funny thing is that the phrase "old lady" started with 20-year-old hippies in the 60s and 70s

That's kind of funny because it's like defining hubby as "someone who fixes things" rather than "someone I love with all my heart."

I mean, they are better than babies, but I don't like rubbing that in people's faces