This is so much help, thank you do much πŸ˜­πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ

How do I help my boyfriend get back into floral designπŸ“š Guidance + Learning πŸ“š

Just as the title says, my boyfriend has been talking about getting back into floral design (he was in the class in high-school), and I want to do something to help him, but I'm at a loss

Are there any supplies or sites that have resources for the hobby? I know we don't have any kinds of workshops for it in our city because we're a small place in the middle of west Texas

Any help is appreciated,

Thanks πŸŽ‰ 😊

Also, it's a still shot from a video taken while they were being rescued

:Customer: Customer

Like how at my job, I have to ask if they want everything on it, and then I have to ask if they want the meal, and then I have to ask what drink with the meal

Why is it not common practice to just say what you want all at once, I wish I could just start giving people what they order

:Customer: Customer

Oof, that last part hits me

I have work at 3, so I need to be home by 2:15, so I can be ready to get ready at 2:30, so I can put on my uniform at 2:40, so I can leave at 2:50 and be at work by 3

And sometimes I think about all the time I put into work while not at work

I mean, sure everything is irrational, but that doesn't make you not an asshole

Kids are kids. All kids deserve equal love, even the random ones that I will never see again

:Customer: Customer

What are you reading πŸ’€

What's so special about biological kids? They're all children living in your home.

Yeah, sometimes stuff like that gets me going when I'm alone, but I would be disgusted and so turned off if one of my partners tried anything rapey

:Customer: Customer

And here I am. Avoiding caffeine.

Who? I just joined

I did not miss out on teen love, his family threatened to kill me

Looks like I'm not watching Netflix anymore, as simple as that

I just moved out, I'm taxually part of my mom's house hold. Is Netflix gonna disagree with the IRS?

Brooo, I used to steal so much as a teenager, and I always got away with it because I'd just chat with people

My friends would get shifty or hold their pockets, I just made sure I didn't stuff them, and be friendly and no one suspected a thing. I just asked them about their kids, why would I be stealing?

My little brother is 3, and me and my mom talk a bit too much about current events, and he told me that my mom was killed 3 weeks ago by cops

It's funny because at this point I don't even realize it's something that should be a "wow," it's just something that happened

It's crazy because my mom has hit me hard enough to break my jewelry on multiple occasions, and yet I haven't gotten so much as an apology

That sounds fantastic, I think I will make the same thing without the shape implications

"Did you order the number 5?" "Yes" charges them for a number 5 and gives them their food "hey, what's this, I ordered a number 2"