Damn, they used to serve us Greek pizza in elementary school all the time and I kinda miss it

Mt. Washington Valley

Ahhh so this is where my mountain stores it's moguls in the summer

Pussy is short for pusillanimous you fucking nincompoop

If this was a sticker I'd definitely toss it on the back of my boogie van

That frame construction looks almost identical to a Van Dessel CX frame I have from around that same year.

All the parts you need to make this work can be found on Corima's web site https://www.corima.com/accessories-spare-parts.html

Looks like you just need an axle assembly, skewer, and freehub body. Just be sure to measure everything with a set of calipers to make sure you get the right parts.

I saw a girl at the red rocks show in a bat costume, complete with rainbow. So I'm going with the bat from Help!

Faster than you

1.) Smoke

2.) Get a ball removed because cancer

3.) ???

4.) Profit

Faster than you

Genius marketing, honestly

I would ride the piss out of this. I'd even slap some bags on it and do some sporty touring.

I usually pack a tupperware or a small mess kit in my line gear with fork/spoon/knife. Maybe a toothbrush if you're into that kind of thing. Some folks like to bring a small backpack with their laptop/notebooks/tablet on the engine. Kinda nice for watching movies when you're baby sitting a contained fire or traveling far. Ask some of your other crewmembers what they like to have with them on a fire.

I usually fasten my brake lever with a strap whenever I get off the bike. It helps me to remember to double check that I've got everything before peeling off, kinda like tying a string to your finger to remember something. It's great to have a parking brake too!

Copper Mountain

Throw some Pivots on there and start hot doggin

Penetrating Eye is one of the heaviest openers ever. I wish they'd play it live.

Faster than you

I can't wait to check out this new Wes Anderson film

Replace the car with like 8 bikes and this is my exact living situation lol

You're the kind of person I like having in my camp haha. That's an awesome set up, sweet bags too.

Engine Crew? Here's my training program:

  1. Park in the far end of the grocery store parking lot.

  2. Go inside and purchase 2 cases of La Croix.

  3. Carry the La Croix over your shoulders back to your car.

  4. Repeat 3-4 times per week.

For extra credit you can keep a cooler in your car so you can practice opening the lid and get real efficient at loading it.

The late 80's and 90's saw a lot of very radical bicycle designs. A lot of these designs were so much faster than others that the UCI began to see it as more of a competition between bike manufacturers rather than individual racers. As a result they banned all monocoque carbon frames and limited designs to traditional double diamond style frames.