They shout the front cover of the NES TMNT game. When I was a kid thought why they are all Raphael? šŸ˜† Great post!


Great post! The more I see these the more Iā€™m tempted to get them.

I have this game but have t played it yet. Got it from Computer Exchange for a good price. Is it good?

Yeah hahaha šŸ˜† so much dust has gathered there.

Yeah, so heā€™s like a really big Turtle fan. He wants to be a Ninja/hero Turtle. The episode really breaks down the third wall because the audience can relate to him as being a big fan.

Hi thank you very much! Thatā€™s sounds cool.

That sound effect is hilarious. It sounds like he is saying, my soot my soot šŸ˜†

Hahaha šŸ˜† it definitely does the job!

Hey, itā€™s the new Mutant Mayhem ooze tube and comes with a tiny turtle figure. Got that one from Amazon also saw it at Hamleys. And got some more from a supermarket. If youā€™re in the states youā€™ll probable find it on Amazon too or Target or Walmart.

I mean I know anything TMNT in the 80s and 90s had to have hero instead of ninja. But that particular copy is a bootleg copy of Turtles in Time. But being a bootleg has nothing to do with having to have Hero in the title.

Thatā€™s a bootleg PAL version of Turtles in Time running so they had to change it to Hero instead.

Good question. The cable from the Super Famicom right? As long as itā€™s not covering the screen it does bother me. I might consider sticking some sticky hooks to organise the cables better.

If youā€™re interested a YouTuber/streamer called Mike Matei did a whole stream testing this console and all the games. Itā€™s hilarious.


For Some reason my text was not posted in my post, itā€™s always glitchy using my iPad on Reddit.

Here it is:

Ā Iā€™ll try to explain each part/component.

So I have a crt/vhs combo, on top is an NES, on top of that youā€™ll see a Mega Drive and on top of that youā€™ll see a Super Famicom just slightly jutted out.

The Mega Drive is slightly back so the NES flap can lift up, the SNES is slightly off center as to have clear access to the Mega Drive cartridge slot. Non of the control ports are obstructed. I have a TMNT ooze tube to provide support in propping up the Super Famicom. It happens to be just the right size. I knew I really liked those ooze tubes for something šŸ˜†Ā 

Thereā€™s some blu tac added to the top of the telley to hold the cables in place. And just in case there isnā€™t enough tension on the cartridge port I jam in anĀ Ā asthma pump. I use the crt/vhs combo so I can watch some vhs tapes from time to time.Ā 

I have another set up across the room with more modern consoles and even more modern consoles and current gen in another room and Iā€™ll share pics of those later. Thank you for looking and reading and interested in your opinions and suggestions.Ā 

Yeah, I have some Beavis and Butthead videos in clamshells. Iā€™m a big fan of the cartoon. Great collection, thereā€™s a certain charm to the paper slip covers, reminds me of NES game packing as opposed to Megadrive/Genesis clamshell. Iā€™ll post some pics of mine too. Cheers!

No worries, I appreciate input from everyone. Cheers.