Walk in and talk. There is a lot to do (and buy... Grat the Trader has a couple of great early weapons) while they are peaceful towards you... just realize they are all mostly itching to throw down if you prove that you're their enemy.

Exactly. I'm sure we can find video proof of Muslims in all parts of leadership proving the conclusion that Islamic rule's goal in every nation IS Sharia Law, and they will use terroristic means to achieve it. Factual content should be taught.

In the same context, Project 2025 should be looked at in the same light from a Christian terrorist perspective. If we don't fight... we lose. A tolerant society cannot tolerate intolerance.

I would guess that your dog doesn't like fireworks? And has a good memory for things? And maybe very recently, he was in the yard when an explosion(s) occurred? This is why he won't go out. He associates that yard with the loud boom booms and if he stays near the house, it'll be safe.

/I have a dog exactly like that. Mine is also a bit agoraphobic, which is a real delight. Getting them out of their heads (playing ball or distracting them) is the way.

For overall puzzling stuff out, the Iron Throne in Act 3 is where it's at. You will feel like such a king the first time you save everyone you're meant to save.

Karlach + ~8 or 9 light hammers from the top of the ledge ends him quite fast as well. Which I started doing after my first Honour Mode run where I found out his legendary action was... not great for melee characters.

The personality of the goblins make me feel... a little bad for them when I wipe them out.

Grat the Trader... dude is respectful af if your character is a drow. But he's got some great items for sale (Doom Hammer, Returning Pike, Swiresy Shoes, Gloves of Archery), so even when he's a dick, he's ok in my book.

Booyahg Piddle. He just wants something to read. Wish I could give you some books, dude. Plus, I don't think I've ever had to kill you because you get out of dodge pretty quick when stuff goes down.

Gribbo just wants her birdie. Sorry for taking him from you, but I need him to poke out my eye.

And poor, lovestuck Klagga of the Dwarven breeches (and poetry loosely connected to the Nightsong). Still an idgit, but heart was... in a place (not the right place, mind you).

Bonus for the guard over by the three Goblin children who does nothing but drink Ithbank and piss off the cliff. I feel ya, man.

Replace Bethesda with Larian for the developers (as far as the story pieces).

Only if you're a Huckabee. About 1/2 that if you aren't a moronic sucker.

Specifically, the magic ones. Myrkul is resistant to all physical damage types (normal and magical) except for blunt magical. It's not a big boost, but it helps if you want to keep your Throwzerker out of range but doing decent damage.

Of course, other than casting darkness on Myrkul's head, my favorite melee weapon against him is the Doom Hammer, which bone chills him and prevents healing from his Necrite pals (and is also blunt/magic weapon damage to boot).

Both appear to be Datana sp. moths.

  1. Drexel Datana Moth (?)
  2. Angus Datana Moth likely.

Plus, when you're throwing Light Hammers from the ledge, they hit for like 50-70 points of damage each. I always collect them in the early parts of Act 1.

/Also, they are useful for Myrkul.

So... Honour run without worrying about dying. Cool (except I'd still like to change some vendor pricing and food/rest requirements so I didn't have to scrounge so much from the Custom menu).

One of my complaints about custom runs, is there still isn't HM rules (other than single save) available to select AFAIK. In the unmodded game, these top out at Tactician, so don't give bosses legendary actions.

Um... if you're gonna fight, come up from the rear cave, picking up barrels of fire wine along the way (and watch the traps). Position 2 strong characters near the ledge above the cave mouth (that can hurl barrels), and keep ranged/spellshiates far back. Use Rugan and Olly as meat shields when the fighting gets going.

Chokepoints, Cloud of Daggers, constant barrage of firewine, and a couple well-placed pushes to keep the flind and melee guys in the entrance are really all it takes. Mop up the last archer or cannibal munching on bodies and you're free to take the chest, talk to Rugan to get the location/password for the hideout, and on you go.

This almost made me spit-take my beer. These fuckin' people...

Upcountry degens ought to go to Letterkenny for a scrap. Neither the hard right nor Muslim degens would be spared the righteous fists of Wayne and company.

/Not suggesting religious violence... just folks that sometimes need the livin' piss knocked out of them occasionally.

The OP is not a reliable source with nothing to back up their claim. Proceed as if they have said nothing, and stop worrying about frivolous posters.

I mean... I love my dog and have a disturbingly lucrative relationship with her vet.

/Never go against a Sicilian when DEATH is on the line.

// ?


Get good and stop talking to strange frogs.

Yes... I suffered mightily from my first meeting with the frog. It's a rite of passage, my friend.

This is one of the final instars (nymph stages) before molting into their full set of wings.

I mean... don't trust Orin. But she DID tell you to take out the Steel Watch before going after Lord Gortash.

Plus, if you rescued a bunch of Deep Gnomes, they probably hooked you up with the means to blow it up and suggested doing it before going after Gortash.

Last, I assume you didn't do the Iron Throne either? The Gondians aren't that big an issue if that little problem is done for already (which I believe happens when Gortash gets perished first).

There is no safe harbor. Not any more.

Fight and recommend others fight. SCOTUS's ruling gave the POTUS nearly unlimited power. Pray that Biden uses it before the election.

/Yes, it's gonna get bloody.

Well done. As a (slightly older than you) sailor off the USS Arkansas (CGN-41), it's fine to put a person in their place, regardless of how and where they served.

/Please continue being your cool-ass self.