Nah, but dammit i see now people will think I set this up :[

Like Marky Mark in Transformers with a laminated card

What do you focus on for survivability? Played a druid to 65 and barely ever needed to use potions. Barb I find way tougher. Probably doing something wrong.

And that's only in this timeline

Once you see it, you'll know for sure. It's in plain sight.

Everything about this movie feels like a lottery win for all involved. I don't think it could be replicated because so much feels unintentional

Totally agree with you, and appreciate the perspective. Can you imagine they teach it in high school?

Damn. Based on brain development and impulse control, this feels like a whole other convo. Get what you're saying though.

Thanks for this. Informative. And it feels relevant to what I was asking about. Tough convo either way. Hijacking to say thanks to all that contributed to the convo. Cheers.

And he's the leading Republic by a mile, meaning he is still exceptionally relevant to American and global politics. Once he's old, in a home, not running, feel he will he less focused on, lol.

When my wife and I were in Rome, we went through the Vatican at the same time as him. He is large but his bodyguard or whoever was one of the largest dudes I've ever seen. Bautista seemed pretty interested in the history and whatever their private guide was saying. Was hard to even recognize him other than his arm tattoo. Seemed pretty chill and not wanting to be noticed.

Hijacking your comment because it's recent. So if I'm lvl 50, still fucking around, not even done campaign, and go to tier 2, I'm still in the same location with the map and everything? Or do I have to like restart the game. Ty for the info! Clearly I'm a diablo noob

Can I play casually on Tier 1, beat all the dungeons and campaign, and just enjoy as if this were a single player game?General Question

Basically, I'm not interested in grinding seasons or being competitive or anything. I downloaded on GamePass and am enjoying the combat, Varying specializations you can do (playing a druid), the lore and missions and such. I'm lvl 47 and know things seem to shift at 50? I'm not even through Act 1 yet as I've just been chilling. Im wondering if it's a game where once I'm 50 I can just run around and keep trying to get different gear that caters to different specs, or whether it'll force me into another Tier or something, as I know the game is mostly for groups online.

Anyway, any info is welcome. New to Diablo. Cheers.

Edit: wow, thanks all for the insight! My bad thinking it was mostly for groups. All advice is heard and appreciated. Cheers!

Edit 2: Damn this got 1000x more attention than I thought. To those saying "you can play how you like, what a thought!" Yes, I'm not asking permission. My question is meant to be about whether the mechanics change significantly at lvl 50 preventing me from playing how I am. Also, thanks again for the actual insights provided. Sounds like my best bet is to finish the campaign and test some different tiers. Cheers!