You hear "A TEST OF YOUR REFLEXES!" moments before a beach volleyball slams into your head.

Start carrying a waterpistol filled with something stinky 

Something might have started to happen there, but the Dawnservant would have just taken it to be a fun afternoon.

Putting it in a savings account for 6 months toa year sounds like something my boring self would do anyway...

You could get an Easter Egg from them and a contrasting (e.g. white / dark) dipping pot.  Congratulations on your recovery!

Plant a little flowerbed spelling out C*** and an arrow pointing to his balcony.

"Wow. Your friends taking a new name after marriage must be a minefield for you."

Personally love it. In my head cannon, my WoL is now Absolutely Blitzed on margaritas 24/7 and is just wandering serenely about after Wuk Lamat. She's enjoying all the pretty views, safe in the knowledge that if the lizard boy really pushes things she can rip out his spine and beat both his heads in with it.

Really, really chill.  Without the narrative urgency of previous expansions, I've not been chewing my way through the story to the exclusion of everything else. I find myself wandering off and doing jumping puzzles, playing cards, etc - rather than putting that aside for later.  Also, it's nice to see the WoL smiling, for once!

I made a torn in the cave near the first Hollow Halls, that might be big enough :)  It's along the western cliff

A wand that detects a now extinct species!

Siselya, Rosalyn and Lorelei have always been my faves :) 

Honestly, it's the best decision we ever made. We have time, energy and resources both for ourselves and to help out with our nephews and nieces. On the whole our lives are more comfortable,and we're in a position to offer support to the wider family that would otherwise not be available.

I felt like we were robbed a bit after all the Populares build up. It could have been really interesting to explore

Just once being able to tell those nobles, "You know you lost, right?"

If you're able and you think you'd enjoy it, go for medical school. Older students are often valuable due to the amount of life experience they bring. If you graduate at 40ish, that's still a good 20+ years working in the field before you retire.  It will also get you meeting new people (often with a common interest, if you're working or studying together), giving you the opportunity to find new friends / love / a mental and emotional shake-up. 

"Nice garden. Be a real shame if someone were to... rewild it."

I think they were going for Cougar, but that really doesn't land well with a lot of players

Maybe that's it. Just about everyone I know is dark :)

Book of Travels.
Still veeeery much in early access, but it's a game where you walk around a fantasy country, drinking magical tea and casting spells with enchanted knots. It has a *very* Show Don't Tell approach, though, so it can take a while to find your feet (e.g. you have to discover the quest to be taught how to read the local language. Until then, everything written is blocked to you).
Still, I love the feeling of mystery and the pretty watercolour style