Ha ectoplasm you fools have CLEARLY never seen the ooze that make turtles into teen age mutant ninja turtles! Don’t throw that shit on your cat…

It really depends on the game, I would suggest looking go “The name of the game, modding, steam deck”

It’s not totally universal but it’s not really hard either. Some will need you to use a Linux specific launcher, others will proton wrap the windows launchers. The mods are the same and when you’re done you have to add the launcher to your game menu.

I have done Stardew valley and Hades so far and both ran great modded.

Yeah, a game updates and last week it didn’t ban for using Linux and this week now it does, a great recent example of this is Elden Ring, one of the god damn games they use to advertise the fucking console! Idc if they put up a banner or not, I think anti cheat is fucked and as always only harms paying customers and FS can kiss the darkest part of my ass.

Because if they actually solved the problem then they couldn’t campaign about how they are the only solution to it.

Could you imagine how horrible it must be putting in all that effort to birth and raise a child just for them to become a Reddit moderator? Let alone one that cares about their Internet number? The thought alone is enough to make me consider a vasectomy.

I use this for modded games mod menus and it works SO good.

I am working my way to 3, I played it on PS4 years ago. However KH1 runs great on it and the battery life is super good on the OLED. I got in a solid 3-4 hours last night and was down to 70%.

“Everything you need on today’s episode of how to make a prison flesh light.”

I have been saying this same shit for 16 fucking years now and it gives me some glimmer of hope for people to start realizing it is not an enlightened centrists argument. If democrats are the solution to republicans than why do republicans keep getting worse!? If democrats are going to save democracy then how many decades and how many tries do they need?

Further! If democrats are the saviors they are supposed to be then what’s our alternative? Because in the last decade alone I have watched Obama barely lift a finger to fight for his Supreme Court nomination, I watched them roll over ass up while republicans slammed another Supreme Court nomination in under nearly the same circumstances they denied Obama’s choice. I watched RBG at an advanced age literally throw away the legacy of arguably one of the greatest Supreme Court judges of our time because she couldn’t simply retire during Obama’s second term, for fuck sakes she was 87 god damn years old!!

Any one of these things, literally any single one of these things could have DRAMATICALLY changed the last 4-8 years. Yes I’m going to vote blue too, but god damnit this shit is is infuriating, now in 4 years I have watched Biden drag feet or out right deny to expand the Supreme Court another thing that could have stopped this. I have watched “I’m the most pro union president ever” bust up train unions for wanting time off… and I’m sorry but that debate the other night was fucking grossly embarrassing for everybody in this country. So you gotta pardon me if I’m in favor of slowing down our decline but at this rate Biden is just kicking the can down the road. He’s clearly not the guy to solve these problems. I’m gonna vote for him, it doesn’t mean I like him and I am tied if voting for lesser evils.

It’s clear and obvious republicans have an agenda and they are willing to commit to any number of things ranging from overthrowing the government to a violent uprising and democrats are going to have the satisfaction of being ethical while they are having the life strangled from them. It’s time to get fucking pissed and it’s time to fight back and it’s time to be willing to meet republican aggressions on whatever level or stage they want to set.

The American government help… people? Now you’re just talking crazy. It only helps corporations, other than that it has two settings, super corrupt and evil, or mostly corrupt and incompetent.

The idea that SST is satire goes like 15 feet over the heads of most normies.

The little oranges? Nah. I’m more of a veggie kinda guy.

Bruh you’re so virtuous. Everybody thinks so

The offer on mercy was for a limited time and it’s officially expired.

The entire show is a parody of anime tropes. It’s intended to be weird, cringey and over the top as fuck as a way of making fun of itself and the genre as a whole. The fact they are all high school students who are being hyper sexualized is basically the shows main punch line culminating in the last few episodes. It’s not only a great anime but the dub has an all star cast of some of the modern voice acting greats like Matt Mercer and Chris Sabat. It’s very much worth checking out.

This is my motto for my dick. So it must work for other things too.

See this is why I advocate violence against the government as a whole.

Mercury and dead babies!!! Is usually what they say is the horrible part…

It’s so common that I would bet a months pay not a single one was ever sent out of legitimate concern. It’s a tool used for trolling and making Reddit admins feel good about out doing literally nothing.

When are you guys going to wake up and realize there is no quiet part anymore. They are organizing and clearly openly stating they are willing to kill you to get what they want. If this shit doesn’t drive the American people to action then truly nothing will. Moral superiority and a desire to solve things with words means nothing as you lay dying.

I can’t blame anybody for their taste lol, really before I thought it was fucking gross, but it hit different and stuck. I can’t even explain why I like it.

Republicans are actively stating they are going to reform this country and that the only thing that can stop them is violence and democrats are doing god damn jack diddly dick about it and citizens are doing nothing more than posting on socials about it.

We will get exactly what we have worked for with this and every election here after. The results of our elections and the system it brings are the fruit of our labor or lack their of.

Bruh I seriously fucking hated it, in porn and shit it’s always grossed me the fuck out. Then my gf did it one night and it just made something in my brain melt…